Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: IEEE WCNC 2015 - Deadline Approaching
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: IEEE WCNC 2015 - Deadline Approaching Datum: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 03:35:45 +0000 Von: Kemal Akkaya kemal@CS.SIU.EDU Antwort an: Kemal Akkaya kemal@CS.SIU.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Apologies for multiple copies of this post. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WCNC 2015 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE NEW ORLEANS, LA, USA 9-12 March, 2015 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IEEE WCNC is the premier event for wireless communications researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems and networks. Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, IEEE WCNC has a long history of bringing together industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. In 2015, New Orleans will become the wireless capital by hosting IEEE WCNC 2015. The conference will include technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and technology and business panels. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications, networks, services, and applications. The instructions for authors will be posted on the conference website www.ieee-wcnc.org/2015. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: PHY and Fundamentals • Interference characterization • Cognitive radio, ultra-wideband • Multihop and cooperative communications • Modulation, coding, diversity • Equalization, synchronization, channel estimation • Space-time coding, MIMO, adaptive antennas • OFDM, CDMA, spread spectrum • Channel modeling and characterization • Interference cancellation and multiuser detection • Iterative techniques • Information-theoretic aspects of wireless communications • Signal processing for wireless communications • Propagation models for high frequency channels
Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design • Multiple access techniques • Cognitive and cooperative MAC • Collaborative algorithms • MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks • Network information theory • Radio resource management and allocation, scheduling • Cross-layer design, cross-layer security • Software defined radio, RFID • Adaptability and reconfigurability • Wireless MAC protocols: design and analysis • B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN • QoS provisioning in MAC
Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks • Localization for Wireless Networks • Network Estimation and Processing Techniques • Mesh, Relay, Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks • Mobility, location, and handoff management • Mobile and Wireless IP • Wireless Multicasting, Routing • Robust routing • Multimedia QoS and Traffic Management • Wireless Broadcast, Multicast and Streaming • Congestion and Admission Control • Proxies and Middleware for Wireless Networks • Wireless Network Security and Privacy • Performance of E2E Protocols over Wireless Networks • Interworking Heterogeneous Wireless/Wireline Networks • Capacity, Throughput, Outage, Coverage
Track 4: Services, Applications, and Business • Emerging wireless/mobile applications • Context and location-aware wireless services & applications • Wireless telemedicine and e-health services • Intelligent transportation systems • Cognitive radio and sensor-based applications • Content distribution in wireless home environment • Wireless emergency and security systems • Service oriented architectures, service portability • SIP based services, multimedia, QoS support, middleware • Innovative user interfaces, P2P services for multimedia • Dynamic services, autonomic services • Regulations, standards, spectrum management • Test-bed and prototype implementation of wireless services • Personalization, service discovery, profiles and profiling
CALL FOR TUTORIALS AND WORKSHOPS Proposals for tutorials and workshops are solicited on hot topics for future wireless communications systems and applications.
CALL FOR PANELS Panel proposals are also solicited on technical, business and policy- related issues and opportunities for the wireless communications industry.
PLEASE NOTE: To be published in the IEEE WCNC 2015 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full or limited (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full or limited registration is valid for up to 3 papers. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE WCNC 2015 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®. A portion of the accepted papers will be presented as posters. The IEEE WCNC 2015 Technical Program Committee will decide which papers will be presented in oral (lecture type) sessions and which papers as posters, and the decisions will be announced to the authors. Choice between oral and poster presentations will be totally independent of the review scores and of the paper quality.
IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: 24 August 2014 Tutorial proposals: 24 August 2014 Notification of acceptance: 1 December 2014 Workshop proposals: 1 July 2014 Final Camera-ready papers due: 5 January 2015 Panel proposals: 24 August 2014
General Chair: José Roberto B. de Marca, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Executive Chair: Richard Miller, AT&T (retired), USA
Technical Program Chair: Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Technical Program Vice-Chair: Edit Kaminsky Bourgeois, University of New Orleans, USA
WCNC Steering Committee Chair: Khaled Letaief, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
WCNC Advisor: Sherman Shen, University of Waterloo, Canada
-- Kemal Akkaya Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL 62901 Tel: 618-453 60 54 Fax: 618-453 60 44 URL: http://www.cs.siu.edu/~kemal ADWISE Lab URL: http://www.cs.siu.edu/~adwise
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf