[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP-WICON2007: The Third Annual International Wireless Internet Conference]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP-WICON2007: The Third Annual International Wireless Internet Conference Datum: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 22:05:02 -0500 (EST) Von: Linda Jiang Xie jxie1@uncc.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu Referenzen: Pine.GSO.4.55.0611240540170.13356@xs-me1.uncc.edu
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********************************************************************** ***** WICON 2007 *****
The Third Annual International Wireless Internet Conference
October 22-24, 2007 Austin, Texas, USA
Wireless Internet is quickly becoming a reality thanks to fast evolution of various wireless access technologies. Convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks, enabled by interworking and wireless mesh networking technologies, further brings wireless Internet into various application scenarios. On the other hand, new wireless Internet architectures, services, and solutions are still desired in order to achieve the ultimate goal of wireless Internet access anytimettttt anywhere.
The Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) will continue to provide a premier international forum to discuss novel research results related to the emerging Wireless Internet. The focus of WICON 2007 will be on advanced wireless access technologies, wireless mesh networks, interworking of heterogeneous networks, next generation wireless Internet, and industrial practice methodology. Given the existence of many other conferences on mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks, papers that are oriented to these networks are discouraged unless they directly focus on the conference theme of the Wireless Internet.
WICON 2007 is soliciting both academic research and industry practice papers. Industry practice papers must have at least one author from industry and should describe interesting technical aspects of industrial applications, prototypes, experiences, and standards; performance and design details are encouraged, whereas papers focused on marketing or product information will not be accepted. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Wireless access technologies: ============================= * Wireless LANs, WiMedia, WiMAX, Bluetooth * 3G and 4G cellular networks
Wireless multi-hop mesh networks: ================================= * New mesh network architecture * WiFi, UWB, Bluetooth wireless mesh networks * Scalable MAC and routing protocols * Multi-radio and multi-channel mesh networks * QoS, security, and mobility management
Convergence of various wireless technologies: ============================================= * Roaming, Interworking, and UMA * Cognitive radios and programmable radios for wireless Internet * Adaptive transport layer protocols
Testbed and measurements: ========================= * Protocol design, implementation, and testbed setup of wireless Internet * Measurement of wireless Internet and performance analysis
Next generation wireless Internet: ================================== * Novel wireless Internet architecture * New services and applications * New algorithms for scalable, reliable, and high speed wireless Internet
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================
Papers will be submitted by electronic submission through COCUS system: http://cocus.create-net.it. The page limit is 10 pages in IEEE double column format with fonts not smaller than 10 points.
IMPORTANT DATES: ================
Submission deadline : May 30, 2007 Notification of acceptance : July 22, 2007 Camera-ready version : September 1, 2007
Selected papers will be published on a special issue of ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET).
WORKSHOPS: ===========
Proposals for workshops should be submitted to the Workshop Chair directly at yry@cs.yale.edu. Evaluation of workshop proposals will be based on the expertise and experience of the instructors, and on the relevance of the subject matter.
PANELS: =======
Proposals for panel discussions that focus on the next generation wireless Internet are encouraged. Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal to the Panel Chair directly at sujata.banerjee@hp.com.
Posters/Demos: ==============
The conference will include a poster/demo session that highlights experiments and testbeds that demonstrate the successful implementation of recent or on-going research work. Please contact Poster/Demo Chair directly at shakkott@ece.utexas.edu
Organization Committee: =======================
General Co-Chairs: ------------------ Lili Qiu University of Texas-Austin, USA Andras Valko Ericsson Research, Hungary
Technical Program Co-Chairs: ---------------------------- Xudong Wang Kiyon, Inc, USA Karoly Farkas ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Steering Committee Chair: ------------------------- Imrich Chlamtac Create-Net, Italy
Panel Chair: ------------ Sujata Banerjee HP Labs, USA
Publicity Chair: ---------------- Linda Xie UNC-Charlotte, USA
Workshop Chair: --------------- Richard Yang Yale University
Local Arrangement Chair: ------------------------ Sriram Vishwanath University of Texas-Austin, USA
Publication Chair: ------------------ Xin Liu University of California-Davis, USA
Poster/Demo Chair: ------------------ Sanjay Shakkottai University of Texas-Austin, USA
Conference Chair: ----------------- Kitti H. Kovacs ICST
For more information about the conference, see http://www.wicon.org/
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf