WG: [CFP] Demonstrations at PerCom'04

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" [mailto:KUVS-L@listserv.uni-heidelberg.de] Im Auftrag von Christian Becker Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. September 2003 17:01 An: KUVS-L@listserv.uni-heidelberg.de Betreff: [CFP] Demonstrations at PerCom'04
IEEE PerCom 04 http://www.percom.org Call For Demonstrations -----------------------
The IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications invites outstanding technology demonstrations from both academia and industry to be presented during the conference at Orlando, Florida in March 2004. We also invite industrial exhibits of new products or prototypes. This is an opportunity to show and discuss emerging technologies and recent research/industrial prototypes with the attendees of this premier research conference in the Pervasive Computing domain.
Proposals ---------
Demonstrations should either showcase a new and interesting application of pervasive computing technologies or highlight a novel technical capability. Exhibits of new and emerging products are also encouraged. We invite proposals that provide a brief but clear description of the demonstration. The proposals should address the following:
* The type of demonstration or exhibit (prototype or video demonstration). * Description of the demonstration or exhibit, highlighting the novelty and key contribution. What will visitors remember or have learned after viewing the demonstration? A good demonstration should stimulate discussions and provide insights, e.g. into an application area or how a distinct technology can be used for Pervasive Computing. * Modes of presentation e.g. are visitors involved, if there will be a prototype that can be used by visitors. * Technical equipment required e.g. Wireless LAN. * Space required for the demonstration or exhibit.
Submissions -----------
Demonstration proposals should address these issues in no more than 2 pages with 12pt font.
Proposals should be sent via email as PDF to Christian Becker (becker@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de)
Demonstration Program Chairs ---------------------------- Gopal Pingali, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Christian Becker, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Important Dates -------------- Submission of proposals: October 31, 2003 Notification of acceptance: November 1, 2003 Conference dates: March 14-17, 2004
-- Dr. Christian Becker, IPVS Abt. VS, University of Stuttgart http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/vs/de/people/beckercn/
participants (1)
Stefan Fischer