[Fwd: CfP of NOSSDAV 2006]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CfP of NOSSDAV 2006 Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 21:29:58 +0100 From: Carsten Griwodz griff@ifi.uio.no To: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
For sixteen years, NOSSDAV has fostered cutting-edge, state-of-the-art research in multimedia and newly emerging areas such as networked games and peer-to-peer streaming. The workshop environment encourages lively discussion among participants and invites strong feedback for work in progress. In 2006, NOSSDAV will be held in Newport, Rhode Island. The beautiful harbor front location is home to sailing, beaches, golfing, biking, and fishing.
NOSSDAV invites submissions on all areas of multimedia computing and networking and strongly encourages work in progress in emerging areas. Papers grounded in high-quality experimental research based on prototype and real systems are highly valued. Additionally, papers proposing new directions for research or calling into question existing conventional wisdom are welcomed.
This year, NOSSDAV will give extra consideration to papers where the source code to experimental or real systems is released. And, NOSSDAV will also give extra consideration to papers that aim to comprehensively validate previous work in some topic within multimedia.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Peer-to-peer streaming * Networked games * Sensor networks and architectures * In-network stream processing * Wireless and mobile multimedia systems * 3D multimedia and tele-immersion * Streaming 3D graphics and virtual worlds * Application-level multicast * Multimedia security * Digital rights management * Real-time operating system support for multimedia * Multimedia middleware and frameworks
A broad view will be taken in deciding what topics are within scope. Please feel free to contact the workshop co-chairs if you are unsure and wish to check if a particular paper or topic is within the workshop scope.
As always, student participation is strongly encouraged. To encourage a good mix of seasoned researchers as well as students, we will be offering discounted registration for student members who attend with their faculty advisor.
Submissions (as well as the camera ready final versions of accepted papers) should be no longer than 6 pages. We expect these submissions to be the kernel of what will eventually lead to full-length papers at high-quality conferences or journals.
Important Dates:
Paper registration: February 8, 2006 (5pm Eastern US) Paper submission: February15, 2006 (5pm Eastern US) Notification: April 5, 2006 Camera ready: April 19, 2006 Conference: May 22-23, 2006
For further information see: http://www.nossdav.org/2006/ or contact the workshop co-chairs: Brian Levine (brian@cs.umass.edu) Mark Claypool (claypool@cs.wpi.edu)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf