Fwd: [InternetTC] CFP: IWQoS 2010
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] CFP: IWQoS 2010 Datum: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 10:06:42 +0100 Von: Xiaoming Fu fu@cs.uni-goettingen.de An: itc@comsoc.org
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2010) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 16-18, 2010, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China http://www.ieee-iwqos.org/2010/cfp.html
Improving quality of service (QoS) in both networks and end systems has been a long lasting research focus worldwide. The seventeen-year-long success of IWQoS has established it as a highly reputable forum to present novel ideas on all research subjects related to QoS. While QoS research for future generations of wired and wireless networks continues to captivate much interest, recent exploration of data centers, virtualization, cloud computing, industrial communication, and “green” computing has motivated a new wave of research interest in QoS and its related metrics such as Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Protection (QoP). The scope of IWQoS 2010 covers both theoretical and experimental research on QoS related issues such as survivability, availability, reliability, security, privacy, pricing, resource provisioning and management, user experience, and system performance guarantees. Topics of interest include QoS issues in (but not limited to) the following areas:
* Data centers, virtualization and cloud computing * Energy saving in networks and end systems; IT technologies to reduce energy consumption in applications * Protection, experience, security and privacy * System dependability, availability; resilience and robustness to faults and DoS attacks * Scheduling, resource management, queue management, admission control; traffic engineering approaches and tools for provisioning and evaluation * Quality evaluation metrics and methodologies; application-aware QoS parsing, identification and control * Measurement, evaluation, adaptation and verification * Network operations, pricing and billing, network and service management * Architectures and protocols for IP and WDM networks, overlay and peer-to-peer networks; wireless ad hoc, mesh, and sensor networks * Design for the future Internet
Paper Submission Guidelines: IWQoS invites submission of manuscripts with original research results that have not been previously published or that are not currently under review by another conference or journal. Submissions will be judged based on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and correctness. Paper submissions should be no longer than 9 single-spaced, double-column pages with font-size of 10. Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files through the EDAS system (http://edas.info/N8541). All submitted papers will be subject to peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members and other experts in the field. IWQoS aims at rapid dissemination of research results. For fast turnaround in the review process, a short review and publication cycle is designed, with the submission deadline as close to the workshop as the publisher allows.
The proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and EI indexed. However, IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.
*IMPORTANT DATES* --------------------------- Paper submission deadline: *Feb. 8, 2010* Notification of accept: April 5, 2010 Camera-ready papers: April 23, 2010
*Technical Program Committee* -------------------------------------------
Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA Amund Kvalbein, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway Baochun Li, University of Toronto, Canada Burkhard Stiller, University of Zurich, Switzerland Byrav Ramamurthy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA Cheng-Zhong Xu, Wayne State University, USA Carlos Calafate, Technical University of Valencia, Spain Gang Feng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China David Yau, Purdue University, USA Dan Marinescu, University of Central Florida, USA Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal Georgios Karagiannis, University of Twente, The Netherlands Haining Wang, College of William and Mary, USA Himabindu Pucha, IBM ARC, USA Iordanis Koutsopoulos, UTH, Greece Jiangchuan Liu, Simon Fraser University, Canada Joel Rodrigues IT, University of Beira Interior, Portugal John Chi Shing Lui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Martin Reisslein, Arizona State University, USA Matthew Caesar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Narasimha Reddy, Texas A & M University, USA Oliver Hohlfeld, TU Berlin, Germany Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace, France Patrick Pak-Ching Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Qun Li, College of William and Mary, USA Rade Stanojevic, Telefonica Research, Spain Sridhar Machiraju, Google, USA Srihari Nelakuditi, University of South Carolina, USA Steve Uhlig, TU Berlin/T-labs, Germany Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland Vasilios Siris, ICS-FORTH / Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Weiyi Zhang, North Dakota State University, USA Xiuzhen Cheng, George Washington Univ., USA Xue Liu, McGill University, Canada Yan Chen, Northwestern University, USA ...
participants (1)
Lars Wolf