[Tccc] CfP Real-Time Networks (RTN'09): deadline extended to May 10

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Call for Papers (Deadline Extended to May 10, 2009)
8th International Workshop on Real-Time Networks (RTN'09) http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/rtn09
June 30, 2009 Dublin, Ireland
in conjunction with the 21th Euromicro Intl Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'09) http://ecrts09.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/
====== GOAL ======
The workshop is seeking original research and position papers dealing with hot topics in real-time networks. Innovative and/or controversial ideas are specially sought. This year, RTN 2009 particularly encourages submissions on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications. Prospective authors are also encouraged to address any issues about real-time, QoS and dependability in computer networks. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (highlight of this year) * Real-Time Tracking * Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things * Wireless Technologies (IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, WiMax, UWB) * Communication Protocols: ( MAC and Network layer issues, distributed scheduling, etc.) * Networked Embedded Systems * Infrastructures for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Systems * Performance Evaluation, Simulation and Modeling Tools * Real-Time Network Management * Time Synchronization * Quality of Service and Dependable Systems * Domotics, Automotive Networks * Implementation, Experimentation and Case Studies
====================== FORMAT OF THE WORKSHOP ======================
The workshop will feature invited talks, including keynotes, panel discussions and submitted contributions.
============================= PAPER SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS =============================
To submit your paper (PDF) to the workshop, please visit the RTN'09 online submission system at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rtn09 and login with your account. Follow the instructions to submit your manuscript.
Submitted papers should follow the IEEE conference format and should not exceed 6 pages in length. File formats can be either pdf. The papers will be reviewed by the workshop Program Committee. All accepted papers will be made available to all participants one week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event. Each presentation session will have a "rapporteur", which enables to enrich the proceedings with a summary of each paper and corresponding presentation and discussions.
=============== WORKSHOP CHAIRS ===============
Eduardo Tovar CISTER/IPP-HURRAY Research Group Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP-IPP) Rua Dr. A. Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4200-072 Porto Portugal
Jean-Dominique Decotignie Swiss Center for Microtechnology (CSEM) Case Postale 2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland
============================= TECHNICAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE =============================
Luis ALMEIDA, University of Porto, Portugal Alexandru ANDREI, Linkoping University, Sweden Leandro Buss BECKER, UFSC, Brazil Gianluca CENA, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Zdenek HANZALEK, TU Prague, Czech Republic Anis KOUBAA, CISTER/IPP-HURRAY, Portugal Lucia LO BELLO, University of Catania, Italy Chenyang LU, Washington University at St. Louis, USA Pau MARTI, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain Luca MOTOLLA, SICS, Sweden Paolo PAGANO, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa, Italy Christian POELLABAUER, University of Notre Dame, USA Binoy RAVINDRAN, Virginia Tech, USA Utz ROEDIG, Lancaster University, UK Ye-Qiong SONG, LORIA, France Stefano VITTURI, CNR-IEIIT, Italy Thilo SAUTER, Austria Academy of Sciences, Austria Andreas WILLIG, TU Berlin, Germany
RTN'09 workshop web site: http://www.hurray.isep.ipp.pt/rtn09 ECRTS'09 conference web site: http://ecrts09.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/
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participants (1)
Eduardo Tovar