[Fwd: [Tccc] INFOCOM 2010 Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] INFOCOM 2010 Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 23:05:42 -0400 Von: Wendi Heinzelman wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
**** IEEE INFOCOM 2010 ****
**** ****
The 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Communications Society
March 15 - 19, 2010
San Diego, California USA
The IEEE INFOCOM 2010 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on network architecture, design, implementation, operations, analysis, measurement, performance, and simulation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Ad hoc mobile networks
* Addressing & location management
* Broadband access technologies
* Capacity planning
* Cellular & broadband wireless nets
* Cognitive radio networking
* Congestion control
* Content distribution
* Cross layer design & optimization
* Cyber-physical computing & networking
* Denial of service
* Delay/disruption tolerant networks
* Future Internet design
* Implementation & experimental testbeds
* Middleware support for networking
* Mobility models & systems
* Multicast & anycast
* Multimedia protocols
* Network applications & services
* Network architectures
* Network control
* Network management
* Network simulation & emulation
* Novel network architectures
* Optical networks
* Peer-to-peer networks
* Performance evaluation
* Power control & management
* Pricing & billing
* Quality of service
* Resource allocation & management
* Routing protocols
* Scheduling & buffer management
* Security, trust, & privacy
* Self-organizing networks
* Sensor nets & embedded systems
* Service overlays
* Social computing
* Switches & switching
* Topology characterization & inference
* Traffic measurement and analysis
* Traffic engineering & control
* Virtual & overlay networks
* Web services & performance
* Wireless mesh networks & protocols
Important Dates:
* Abstract due: July 24, 2009
* Full paper due: July 31, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: November 21, 2009
Organizing Committee:
General Chair: Giridhar Mandyam (Qualcomm, USA)
Vice Chair: Cedric Westphal (Docomo Labs, USA)
Technical Program Co-Chairs: Mooi Choo Chuah (Lehigh University, USA), Reuven Cohen (Technion, Israel) and
Guoliang Xue (Arizona State University, USA)
Standing Committee Chair: Harvey Freeman (HAF Consulting, Inc., USA)
_______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf