Fwd: VTS Conference Update

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society cerry@ieee.org Gesendet: 26. Februar 2021 00:06:32 MEZ An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Betreff: VTS Conference Update
**** VTC2021-Spring is Going Virtual **** Virtual registration rates will apply, don't miss out!
**** VTC2021-Fall Call for Papers ****
** Call for Papers Deadline: 22 March 2021 **
**Call for Workshop Proposals Deadline: 22 March 2021**
**Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 26 April 2021**
***** IEEE VPPC2021 Call for Papers *****
** Call for Papers Deadline: 16 April 2021 **
**Call for Special Sessions Proposals Deadline: 22 February 2021**
**Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline: 1 March 2021**
VTC2021-Fall Virtual Conference Now Open! 27 - 30 September 2021
--Call for Papers--
VTC2021-Fall Virtual Conference will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers:
1. Airborne and Maritime Mobile Systems and Services 2. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 3. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 4. Emerging technologies, 5G and beyond 5. Green Communications and Networks 6. IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 7. Machine Learning and AI for Communications 8. Multiple Antennas and Cooperative Communications 9. Positioning, Navigation, and Sensing 10. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 11. Spectrum Management, Radio Access Technology, Services and Security 12. Vehicular Cooperation and Control, Assisted and Autonomous Driving
Submission deadline: 22 March 2021 Acceptance notification: 7 June 2021 Final paper submission deadline: 5 July 2021
Paper submission is open: vtc2021fall.trackchair.com/
--Call for Workshops--
Workshops provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results in areas of particular interest. IEEE VTC2021-Fall will include half- and full-day workshops to complement the overall technical program events. These workshops provide a more focused, in-depth venue for presentations, discussions and interaction. The workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed with a focus on submissions that inspire deep and interactive dialogue in topics that are of interest to the mobile and vehicular technology community. The VTC2021-Fall Technical Program Committee invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day or full-day presentation on topics of interest to the current conference tracks. VTC Workshops are included with all registrations.
Workshop proposals due: 22 March 2021 Acceptance notification: 1 April 2021
To submit a workshop proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2021-fall/conference-sessions/call-for-workshops/
--Call for Tutorials-
Tutorials provide opportunities for researchers from academia and industry to learn about state-of-the-art research and development from experts in a given field. The VTC2021-Fall Technical Program Committee invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day or full-day presentation on topics of interest to the current conference tracks.
Tutorial proposal deadline: 26 April 2021 Acceptance notification deadline: 3 June 2021 All tutorials will be presented on 27 September 2021
To submit a tutorial proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2021-fall/conference-sessions/call-for-tutorials/
*****2020 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2021-Spring***** **************************-- Now Virtual --***************************************
Registration is open will 20 February 2021, virtual registration rates will apply!
Guidelines for recording presentations can be found at: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2021-spring/authors/virtual-presentation-guidelines/
Workshops available with registration:
W1: Energy-Efficient Schemes for Beyond 5G W2: The 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Communication Network Technologies (ICNET) W3: Symbiotic Radio Paradigm for Integrated Active and Passive Communications W4: 5G-enabled safety and support services for cooperative, connected and automated mobility W5: Connected Intelligence for IoT and Industrial IoT Applications (C3IA) W6: Technologies and Proof-of-Concept Activities for 5G Evolution & Beyond 5G W7: International Workshop on Smart Spectrum (IWSS 2021) W8: Decentralized Technologies and Applications for IoT (D'IoT) 2021 W9: The 10th International Workshop on High Mobility Wireless Communications W10: 3rd International workshop on Dependable Wireless Communications (DEWCOM) W11: Broadband Connectivity in 6G: Towards Terabits-per-Second Communications W12: Wireless Communication Technologies for Future Railway Systems
Tutorials available:
T1: Backscatter Communications T2: 5G and Beyond for Robotics and Automation: Challenges and Opportunities T3: Cellular Networks for Safe Drone Operations T4: Tutorial on Tools and Techniques for URLLC Towards Beyond-5G Systems T5: Terahertz Communications: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities T6: Softwarization and Virtualization in 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks T7: Theory and Applications for Joint State Sensing and Communications for Autonomous Vehicles T8: Intelligent Massive NOMA for Next Generation Wireless Networks T9: On Reinforcement and Deep Learning Performance in Wireless Communication T10: Internet of Vehicles: when edge intelligence and digital twin meet Intelligent Transport Systems T11: On the Design and Implementation of Open RAN Direct RF Sampling Radio Transceiver Architectures T12: The Future of UAV Cellular Communications T13: Wireless Channel Charting for Massive MIMO T14: User-Centric Cell-Free Massive MIMO: From Foundations to Scalable Implementation T15: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Future Wireless Communications T16: Rate Splitting Multiple Access for Beyond 5G: Principles, Recent Advances, and Future Research Trends
*****IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference 2021 - IEEE VPPC 2021*****
--Call For Papers-- IEEE VPPC 2020 in Gijón, Spain will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, unpublished full papers.
VPPC 2020 is organized into 7 regular tracks and 11 special sessions covering all relevant technical areas:
Regular Track #1: Energy Storage and Generation, Components and Systems Regular Track #2: Power Electronics, Motor Drives and Electric Power Systems Regular Track #3: Vehicular Electronics and Intelligent Transportation Systems Regular Track #4: Control and Energy Management of Electrified Vehicles Regular Track #5: Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Electrified Vehicles Regular Track #6: Charging Systems and Infrastructures Regular Track #7: Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructures and Fuel Cell Vehicles
Paper submission deadline: 16 April 2021 Acceptance notification: 5 July 2021 Final paper submission deadline: Changed to 2 August 2021
Paper submission is open: vppc2021.trackchair.com/
--Special Sessions - Call For Proposals -- Special Sessions provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results in areas of particular interest. We invite proposal submission for the special sessions.
Submission Deadline Extended: 22 February 2021 Acceptance notification:4 March 2021 Paper submission deadline: 19 April 2021
--Tutorials-- Tutorials provide opportunities for researchers from the academia and the industry to learn about the state-of-the-art research and development from experts in a given field. The IEEE VPPC'2021 Technical Program Committee invites you to attend one, or all of the tutorials below: https://events.vtsociety.org/vppc2021/conference-sessions/call-for-tutorials...
Deadlines Full proposals due: 1 March 2021 Acceptance notification: 28 July 2021 Tutorials to be presented on: 25 October 2021Use this link to unsubscribe: http://unsubscribe.magnetmail.net/Actions/unsubscribe.cfm?message_id=1989462...
participants (1)
Lars Wolf