[Fwd: [Tccc] Internetworking 2003]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] Internetworking 2003 Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 12:26:42 +0200 From: Utilisateur1 gagnaire.maurice@wanadoo.fr To: tccc@ground.cs.columbia.edu
********************************************************** Internetworking 2003 International Conference Hilton San Jose & Towers Hotel, California Sunday June 22 through Tuesday June 24, 2003 with the support of the IEEE and IFIP WG 6.2 **********************************************************
Internetworking-2003 is a conference focused on internetworking technologies in the IP, optical, and wireless domains. Last year's event was collocated with the highly successful MPLS 2002 conference, which was held in Washington DC. Internetworking 2003 is more expansive than the MPLS conference series and encompasses a wider range of topics. The Internetworking 2003 event in March will include participation from industry, government agencies, and the academia. Presentations are through invitation and via open call.Technical sessions at the conference include the following tracks:
- Routing - OSS and Network Management - Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) - IP Network Security - Voice over IP - IPv6
Call For Papers: ----------------
The Internetworking 2003 Program Committee cordially invites you to submit proposals for original, unpublished presentations focusing on internetworking technologies in the IP, optical, and wireless domains. Summaries not exceeding 250 words can be submitted to submissions@caitr.org mailto:submissions@caitr.org for review and possible inclusion in the program, no later than April 11, 2003. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
* Voice over IP (VoIP) * IP Video Conferencing * Storage Area Networks (SANs) * Unicast and Multicast Routing and Convergence * QoS Routing * Network Security and Service Integration * Operational Support Systems * Virtual Private Networks * Internetworking Wireless LANs and 3G Wireless Networks * IP-based Infrastructure for Wireless Networks * Internetworking IP and Optical Networks * Internetworking MPLS with Legacy ATM and Frame Relay Networks * Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 and interworking * Pervasive Computing * High Speed Transport Layer Protocols * Peer to Peer Networking and Grid Computing * Video Teleconferencing (VTC) * IEEE 802.11 Hotspots * Ethernet First Mile networks (EPON, EDSL) * IEEE 802.17 MAN, RPR
Conference Web_site: http://www.caitr.org/internetworking03/program.htm --------------------
Technical Programme Committee: ------------------------------
- Maurice Gagnaire (ENST- France) co-chair - Daniel Awduche (Isocore - USA) co-chair
- Jean-Yves le Boudec (EPFL - Switzerland) * - Augusto Casaca (INESC- Portugal) - Nada Golmie (NIST - USA) - Ibrahim Habib (CUNY - USA) - Bijan Jabbari (George Mason Univ. - USA) - Marc Lobelle (UCL - Belgium) * - Fabio Neri (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) * - Guy Pujolle (LIP6 - France) - James Roberts (France Telecom R&D) * - Roberto Sabella (Erisson - Italy) - Jochen H. Schiller (Freie Univ. Berlin, Germany) * - Vishal Sharma (Metanoia - USA) - Samir Tohme (ENST - France) - Stefano Trumpy (CNR - Itlay) - Peter Vetter (Alcatel Antwerpen - Belgium) * - Parviv Yegani (Cisco - USA) - Moshe Zukerman (Univ. of Melbourne - Australia)
(*: to be confirmed)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf