-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] IEEE SECON 2006 Call for Papers (DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 6 FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION) Datum: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:51:16 -0500 Von: Wendi Heinzelman wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
=============================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS
Third Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks
Hyatt Regency, Reston, VA, USA September 25-28, 2006
Paper submissions due (via EDAS): * Extended to: * April 6, 2006 (Abstract/title registration) * Extended to: * April 12, 2006 (Full paper)
http://www.ieee-secon.org/2006/index.html ================================================================
The third annual IEEE SECON conference will provide a unique forum to exchange ideas, techniques, and applications, discuss best practices, raise awareness, and share experiences among researchers, practitioners, standard developers and policy makers in the field of sensor, ad hoc, and mesh networks and systems. IEEE SECON grew out of IEEE INFOCOM (http://www.ieee-infocom.org) in 2004, in order to create an event that focused on the important and exciting topics of Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks.
The conference will be organized to provide for collegiality and continuity in the discussions of the various topics among participants from the industrial, governmental and academic sectors.
Original technical papers that address the communications, networking, applications, systems and algorithmic aspects of mesh and sensor networks, as well as those that describe practical deployment and implementation experiences are solicited for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. Papers presenting novel contributions in such disciplines as communications, networking protocols and architectures, algorithms, embedded systems, middleware and information management, and novel applications are solicited.
Full papers - describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in sensor, ad hoc, and mesh communications and networks - are solicited. Papers with a deep focus on a specific discipline or stimulated by the synergistic interaction of diverse disciplines are encouraged. Papers describing practical application of technology to real-world problems are similarly encouraged. Papers submitted should not be concurrently under review at another conference, journal or similar venue.
Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* New architectures and protocols to support communication, localization, time synchronization, routing, data dissemination, and other distributed services in heterogeneous, large-scale distributed, mesh networks and sensor networks
* Novel algorithms and theories for management, supervisory control, and monitoring of distributed ad hoc networks, and techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes
* Modeling and performance evaluation of large-scale distributed ad hoc and sensor networks, practical implementations and deployments, and real-world experiences
* Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of wireless mesh and sensor networks
* Mechanisms for authenticated, secure communication and data dissemination in sensor and mesh networks
* Algorithms and protocols to support quality of service in mesh and sensor networks, including admission control, resource allocation and fairness, and capacity planning
* Integration of sensors into engineered systems, including novel techniques for on-sensor renewable power sources, mechanisms for on-sensor self-calibration and self-testing, and efficient schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms
* Hardware platforms incorporating multiple sensors, computation, actuation, and wireless interfaces
* Software platforms, middleware, and tools for mesh and sensor network applications development, deployment, and management
Proposals for panels on current topics in the field of ad hoc and sensor networking and applications are solicited. Panels related to the commercial application and development of sensors and mesh networks are especially encouraged.
IEEE SECON 2006 will include poster/demonstration sessions that shall provide a forum to present and discuss: works in progress, industry demonstrations of new applications and techniques, practical implementations, industrial and commercial developments, research testbeds and demonstrations, recent research/implementation results, upcoming research challenges, future directions, and novel approaches in the fields of sensor, mesh and ad hoc communications and networks. One of the key goals of this conference is to foster collaboration between industry and academia. Hence, participation of researchers/developers from industry and posters/demostrations reporting joint work between industry and academia are especially encouraged.
Submissions should be in the form of a proposal describing the main contributions of the poster/demo and the merits of the proposed ideas. If available, preliminary results can also be included. Proposals will be evaluated mainly based on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, exchange of ideas and promote collaborations.
Submissions should not be more than three pages (preferably IEEE conference format, 2-column) in length. Demonstration submissions should include the space requirements and/or any other equipment-specific requirements. The documents must contain the authors' names, affiliations, and contact information and the designated corresponding author.
Accepted authors of posters/demos will have a space in the poster/demo session room to display their posters or exhibit their demos and describe their work in discussions with interested attendees.
All paper submissions will be handled electronically through the EDAS system. Details regarding the paper format and the submission process can be found at http://www.ieee-secon.org/2006/index.html.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will appear on IEEE Xplore. IEEE Communications Society policy states that all accepted SECON 2006 papers must have at least one registration at the regular rate. For authors co-authoring multiple papers, one regular registration is valid for up to three papers.
Paper registration: April 6, 2006, by 5pm EDT Full Paper Submission: April 12, 2006, by 5pm EDT Decision Notification: June 15, 2006, by 5pm EDT Camera-ready paper due: July 7, 2006, by 5pm EDT
Panel proposals due: May 1, 2006, by 5pm EDT Demo proposals due: June 1, 2006, by 5pm EDT Poster proposals due: June 30, 2006, by 5pm EDT
Krishna Sivalingam, University of Maryland Baltimore County, krishna@umbc.edu
Mark Yarvis, Intel Corporation, mark.d.yarvis@intel.com Michele Zorzi, Universita' degli Studi di Padova, zorzi@dei.unipd.it
Stefano Basagni, Northeastern University, basagni@ece.neu.edu Cedric Westphal, Nokia, Cedric.Westphal@nokia.com
Ian Chakeres, Boeing, ian.chakeres@gmail.com Lily Yang, Intel, lily.l.yang@intel.com
Tom Hou, Virginia Tech, thou@vt.edu
Wendi Heinzelman, University of Rochester, wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu
Vishal Anand, SUNY Brockport, vanand@brockport.edu
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Virgina Tech, toweissy@vt.edu
STANDING COMMITTEE: Fred Bauer (fred@fredbauer.com), PacketHop (CHAIR) Harvey Freeman, Booz Allen Hamilton Sung-Ju Lee, HP Labs Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis
Abouzeid, Alhussein (Hussein) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Almeroth, Kevin University of California at Santa Barbara Banerjee, Sujata HP Labs Banerjee, Suman University of Wisconsin Basagni, Stefano Northeastern University Belding-Royer, Elizabeth University of California Santa Barbara Bianchi, Giuseppe University of Rome, Tor Vergata Boutaba, Raouf University of Waterloo Cao, Guohong Pennsylvania State University Cayirci, Erdal Istanbul Technical University Chandra, Surendar University of Notre Dame Chevillat, Pierre IBM Choi, Sunghyun Seoul National Unversity Chuah, Chen-Nee University of California, Davis Das, Sajal University of Texas at Arlington Das, Samir SUNY at Stony Brook ElBatt, Tamer HRL Laboratories Ekici, Eylem Ohio State Ephremides, Anthony University of Maryland at College Park Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J. University of California at Santa Cruz Giordano, Silvia SUPSI of Lugano Hares, Susan NextHop Havinga, Paul University of Twente Helmy, Ahmed USC Iyer, Sridhar Indian Institute of Technology Jetcheva, Jorjeta Firetide, Inc. Jha, Sanjay University of NSW Joshi, Anupam UMBC Kangude, Shantanu Texas Instruments Kasera, Sneha University of Utah Ko, Young-Bae Ajou University Koodli, Rajeev Nokia Research Center Krishnamachari, Bhaskar University of Southern California Krishnamurthy, Lakshman Intel Corp Langendoen, Koen Delft University of Technology Lee, Sung-Ju HP Labs Li, Li Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Martin, Richard Rutgers University Mohapatra, Prasant University of California, Davis Morabito, Giacomo University of Catania, Italy Nandagopal, Thyaga Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Ning, Peng North Carolina State University Pagani, Elena University of Milano Papagiannaki, Konstantina (Dina) Intel Research Petrioli, Chiara University of Rome, la Sapienza Popovski, Petar Aalborg University Qiu, Lili University of Texas at Austin Ramasubramanian, Srini Unviersity of Arizona Ramasubramanian, Venugopalan "Rama" Microsoft Research Reisslein, Martin Arizona State University Rhee, Sokwoo Millennial Net Roemer, Kay ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Santi, Paolo CNR Schurgers, Curt University of California, San Diego Shorey, Rajeev General Motors Research, Bangalore Singh, Harkirat Samsung Singh, Suresh Portland State University Srinivasan, Vikram NU of Singapore Stankovic, John University of Virginia Trappe, Wade Rutgers University Tseng, Yu-Chee National Chiao-Tung University Wang, Xudong Kiyon, Inc Westphal, Cedric Nokia Research Center Widmer, Joerg DoCoMo Zhang, Junshan Arizona State University Zhang, Qian Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Zheng, Haitao (Heather) University of CA, Santa Barbara Znati, Taieb University of Pittsburgh
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf