[Fwd: WICON 2008: Call For Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: WICON 2008: Call For Papers Datum: Mon, 5 May 2008 15:54:56 -0400 Von: Tommaso Melodia tmelodia@ENG.BUFFALO.EDU Antwort an: Tommaso Melodia tmelodia@ENG.BUFFALO.EDU An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
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********************************************************************** ***** WICON 2008 *****
The Fourth Annual International Wireless Internet Conference
November 17-19, 2008 Maui, Hawaii, USA
Sponsored by CREATE-NET and ICST In cooperation with ACM Sigmobile.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series and will be made available in the ACM Digital Library, as well as indexed by EI.
Selected papers will be published in a special issue of ACM MOBILE NETWORKS and APPLICATIONS (MONET).
Wireless Internet is quickly emerging as a reality, thanks to the fast evolution of many wireless access technologies. Convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks and the next generation Internet further brings wireless Internet into a variety of application scenarios which provide mobile users with a wide range of highly demanding services, such as high speed data and real-time multimedia delivery. On the other hand, it is of critical importance to obtain a fundamental understanding of wireless Internet architectures and explore new services and solutions in order to achieve the ultimate goal of wireless Internet access anytime anywhere.
The Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) will continue to serve as a premier international forum to discuss novel research results related to the emerging Wireless Internet. WICON 2008 is soliciting both academic research and industry practice papers. Papers solicited in the WICON 2008 span a wide range of areas of interest including but not limited to:
Seamless Integration of Heterogeneous Networks ============================================== * Convergence and interworking of heterogeneous wireless networks * Vertical handoff and seamless roaming * Mobile P2P networking, systems, and applications * Next generation Internet services and applications
Cross-layer Design and Optimization =================================== * Clean-slate wireless Internet architecture * Interaction among PHY/MAC, routing, and congestion control * PHY-aware wireless scheduling * QoS provisioning of Multimedia wireless networks
Wireless Access Technologies ============================ * WLANs, WiMAX, satellite, 3G and Beyond * QoS management and traffic modeling * Algorithm design and performance analysis
Multi-hop Wireless Networks =========================== * Wireless sensor networks * Mobile ad hoc networks * Wireless mesh networks
Emerging Technologies and Applications ====================================== * Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) * Cognitive radio networks * Bio-inspired networks * Context-aware mobile networking * Wireless body area networks (WBANs), tele-medicine/e-health networks
Network Security ================ * Architectural support for security * Security, privacy, and dependability issues * Security in cooperative networks
Wireless Internet Platforms and Software ======================================== * Testbeds and simulation tools * Middleware, operating system, and programming languages * Experimental measurements
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================
Papers will be submitted by electronic submission through the COCUS system: http://www.cocus.eu. The page limit is 9 pages in ACM double column format with fonts not smaller than 10 points.
IMPORTANT DATES: ================
Submission deadline: July 15, 2008 23:59 (Central European Time) Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2008 Camera-ready version: October 15, 2008
Workshop proposal due: July 1, 2008 Notification date: July 15, 2008
Panel proposal due: September 1, 2008 Notification date: September 15, 2008
WORKSHOPS: ==========
Proposals for workshops should be submitted to the Workshop Chair at farkas@inf.nyme.hu. The evaluation of the workshop proposals will be based on the expertise and experience of the instructors, and on the relevance of the subject matter.
PANELS: =======
Proposals for panel discussions that focus on the next generation wireless Internet are encouraged. Potential panel organizers should submit a panel proposal directly to the Panel Co-Chairs at knightly@ece.rich.edu and linx@ecn.purdue.edu.
INDUSTRY PRACTICE PAPERS: =========================
Industry papers that highlight experiments/testbeds and demonstrate the successful implementation of recent or on-going research work are welcome. The topics of industry papers can be from any of the 7 listed tracks. Submitted industry papers will be assigned to the Industry Chair for review. For more information, please contact Industry Chair at jing.z.zhu@intel.com.
INVITED PAPERS: ===============
WICON 2008 will include a number of invited papers from distinguished researchers with impressive outcomes on various advanced research topics or cutting-edge techniques.
B2B EVENT: ==========
An industry B2B event will be co-located with WICON 2008. The B2B event will include invited talks by industry/technology leaders, business and product presentations, as well as exhibitions and demos.
Organization Committee: =======================
General Co-Chairs: ------------------ Ness Shroff Ohio State University, USA Xudong Wang Kiyon Inc., USA
Technical Program Co-Chairs: ---------------------------- Junshan Zhang Arizona State University, USA Sanjay Shakkottai University of Texas-Austin, USA Jiang (Linda) Xie Univ. of North Carolina-Charlotte, USA
Steering Committee Chair: ------------------------- Imrich Chlamtac Create-Net, Italy
Industry Chair: --------------- Jing Zhu Intel Research Labs, USA
Workshop Chair: --------------- Karoly Farkas University of West Hungary, Hungary
Panel Co-Chairs: ------------ Edward Knightly Rice University, USA Xiaojun Lin Purdue University, USA
Publicity Chair: ---------------- Tommaso Melodia State Univ. of New York-Buffalo, USA Gyorgy Dan KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Azman O. Lim NICT, Japan
Publication Chair: ------------------ Atilla Eryilmaz Ohio State University, USA
Local Arrangement Chair: ------------------------ Yingbin Liang University of Hawaii, USA
Conference Chair: ----------------- Dorothy Bany ICST
Web Chair: ---------- Ping Zhou Qualcomm, USA
For more information about the conference, see http://www.wicon.org
-------------------------------------------------------- Tommaso Melodia Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering State University of New York at Buffalo Office: 215G Bonner Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 Tel: (716) 645-3115 ext. 1147 Email: tmelodia@eng.buffalo.edu Web: http://www.eng.buffalo.edu/~tmelodia/ --------------------------------------------------------
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Association for Computing Machinery Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession
(c) 2007 ACM, Inc. All rights reserved. -----------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Lars Wolf