IEEE DCOSS Workshop: Internet of Things - Ideas and Perspectives (extended deadline March 25th)

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*************************************************************************** Call for papers IEEE DCOSS International workshop on Internet of Things - Ideas and Perspectives (IoTIP-13) May 20-23, 2013 Boston, USA
Important dates
Submission Deadline: March 25, 2013 Acceptance Notification: April 8, 2013 CameraReadyDue: April 15, 2013 Workshop Date: May 23, 2013
Call for papers:
Slowly but steadily the Internet of Things (IoT) is penetrating and transforming our lives. The first stage of the IoT evolution consisted in the deployment of RFID tags for facilitating routing, taking inventory and loss prevention of goods. After that we witnessed the first wave of RFID and sensor network integration toward vertical-market applications. Nowadays, new generations of RFID tags, in particular active RFID tags, often include built-in sensing capabilities. Whereas, applications based on sensor networks often require means for unique identification and discovery of objects, which are monitored by the sensor network. The convergence of sensing and identification technologies, together with communication and computation systems, enables us to gain impressive awareness about the state of the real world and will drastically change the way we interact with our environment. Urban planning, smart cities, intelligent shopping, smart meters, home automation, security and surveillance, industrial applications like process industry automation, supply chain, smart product management and agricultural applications are examples of potential applications for real-world systems. Even though the advent of the IPv6/6LoWPAN protocol suite solved several technical issues, many challenges are still open in the research and development communities concerning the choice of communication paradigms, architectures and technology. The main focus of this workshop is on technologies, applications and paradigms of the IoT that are already deployed or are under investigation and that belong to the second stage of the IoT evolution. The next step in the evolution of the IoT is its characterization as the underlying technological layer needed to shape and substantiate higher layer concepts such as semantic web and personalization. In fact, the IoT is the enabling technology to allow virtual and physical worlds to converge in what has already been defined as Web 3.0. If, currently, the IoT is the most suited companion of blogging, podcasting, tagging and social networking, we can imagine that its evolution will foster the rise of statistical, machine-constructed semantic tags and algorithms through the construction and exploitation of semantic databases empowered by distributed and cloud computing. The integration of the IoT with semantic databases, capable of delivering accurate information about the nature and the state of every physical object will introduce a staggering amount of new applications opportunities as well as potentially lead to an ultimate"Big brother scenario". Therefore, a particular interest will have to be given to appropriate security and privacy control mechanisms. The secondary focus of this workshop is on IoT vision and perspective towards Web 3.0
IoTIP features two tracks: -Current ideas: for technical works currently under investigation; - Future perspectives: for vision papers envisaging possible future technologies, paradigms and applications for IoT.
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: - IoT paradigms, architectures, applications and technologies - IoT systems and components - IoT for semantic web and personalization - Tools for developing IoT applications - Blogging, Podcasting, Tagging and Social networking through the IoT - Cloud vs distributed computing for the IoT - Security and privacy control mechanisms - Performance assessment and management (QoS, scalability, reliability, etc) - PHY layer, Spectrum management for IoT radio communications - MAC protocols (e.g., scheduling, power control etc.) for IoT - Mobility management - Naming, address management and End-to-End Addressability - Object, device and service management - RFID, sensors, actuator technologies - Middleware - Sustainable design and technologies (e.g. energy-efficiency) - Test-beds and field trials - Standardization and regulatory issues
Submission guidelines :
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate current research on IoTIP research topics. Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX/Word formats can be found at:
Papers should be submitted through EDAS at the following address:
All submissions should be written in English using 10 point font and be six (6) printed pages long maximum using 10 point font and including figures and tables. The papers should be submitted to one of the two tracks: - Current ideas: for technical works currently under investigation; - Future perspectives: for vision papers envisaging possible future technologies, paradigms and applications for IoT.
Authors must suggest their preferred track for their paper at the time of submission. The workshop chairs, however, reserve the right to switch papers between tracks if they deem them a better fit for another track.
Please note that the proceedings of this workshop will appear in IEEEXplore and will be included in DCOSS conference proceedings.
_Program committee members_: Yacine Challal, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France Flavio Esposito, Boston University - USA Essia Hamouda, University of Riverside, California, USA Antonio Iera, Università "Mediterranea" di reggio Calabria, Italy Abdelmajid Khwlil, Huawei European Center, Germany Srdjan Krco, Ericsson/University of Belgrade Thomas D.C. Little, Boston University - USA Valeria Loscri', Università della Calabria, Italy (_publicity chair_) Nathalie Mitton, INRIA Lille - nord Europe, France (_workshop chair_) Enrico Natalizio, Universitè de Technologie de Compiegne, France (_workshop chair_) David Simplot-Ryl, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France. Anna Maria Vegni, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy Konrad Wrona, NC3A, Netherlands
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