Fwd: ENERGYCON 2012 -- Extended deadline

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: ENERGYCON 2012 -- Extended deadline Datum: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 04:00:00 -0400 Von: conference-services@ieee.org Antwort an: do-not-reply@ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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Dear Colleague,
The 2nd IEEE International Energy Conference and Exhibition - *ENERGYCON 2012* - will take place in *Florence, Italy on 9-12 September 2012*. /Due to numerous requests, we have extended the submission deadline to/
*30 April 2012* <<.
ENERGYCON is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and innovative technologies on Sustainable Generation, Distribution, Conversion and Utilization of Energy. It is also the premier medium for the application of Electronics, Instrumentation and Information Communication Technology in the Energy Industry at large. The first ENERGYCON in Bahrain in 2010 gathered over 1200 energy professionals.
The Conference is organized around four Symposia: /Advances in Energy Conversion, Future Energy Grids and Systems, Sustainable Transportation Systems, and ICT for Energy/.
In addition to a strong technical and scientific program, social and cultural events will be proposed to attendants and their companions in the exciting historical city of Florence.
We invite you to contribute by submitting a full paper, reporting original and novel research results on all above topics. Contributions from industry are more than welcome. Upon acceptance, final papers are required by 1 July 2012.
For details please visit http://www.energycon2012.org.
Please accept our apologies if you have received this announcement more than once. We would greatly appreciate if you could spread this to interested energy processionals.
We look forward to seeing you in Florence,
Alfredo Testa, Marko Delimar and Arturo Losi IEEE ENERGYCON 2012 Co-Chairs
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Lars Wolf