[Fwd: [MM-INTEREST] Packet Video 2007 - deadline extended to June 5th]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [MM-INTEREST] Packet Video 2007 - deadline extended to June 5th Datum: Tue, 15 May 2007 23:05:02 +0200 Von: Pascal Frossard pascal.frossard@EPFL.CH Antwort an: Pascal Frossard pascal.frossard@EPFL.CH An: MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
We apologize for any duplicate.
Packet Video 2007
Technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society
The International Packet Video Workshop is devoted to presenting technological advancements and innovations in multimedia data transmission over packet networks, in particular, the Internet and wireless networks.
This workshop provides a unique venue for people from the video or multimedia coding and networking fields to meet, interact and exchange ideas. Its charter is to promote the research and development in emerging video streaming and multimedia networking solutions. Presentations on theory and practice, standards activities, and applications are encouraged.
PV 2007 will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in November 12-13, 2007. It will follow the Picture Coding Symposium (PCS2007) to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, November 7-9, 2007.
Topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to: . Video streaming over Internet . Media streaming over wireless networks . Rate and congestion control for multimedia streams . Error resilient video coding and transport . Network adaptive media coding and transport . Media-adaptive communications . Multi-terminal media communications . Inter-stream synchronization . Cross-layer streaming optimization . Digital rights management . Scalable coding and delivery . Error concealment and post-processing . Performance modeling and evaluation for packet media networks . Video over mesh-networks . Network coding for multimedia communications . Standard issues: MPEG-x, H.264, H,323, RTP, RTSO, SIP, AVS, etc
Authors should submit an electronic version of full papers, in PDF format, not exceeding 10 printed pages. Oral and poster presentations will be used in the workshop. The PV2007 Proceedings will be available in IEEExplore. A selection of the best papers will be proposed for a special issue in an international journal.
A best paper award will be presented at Packet Video 2007, sponsored by DoCoMo USA Labs. A few student travel/registration grants will also be offered. A best student paper prize will also be awarded.
Important Dates
June 5th, 2007 (firm deadline!) Submission of full paper NOT exceeding 10 pages August 31th, 2007 Notification of paper acceptance September 30th, 2007 Submission of camera ready papers
Organizing Committee
General Chair Pascal Frossard, EPFL, Switzerland
Technical Program Chair Mihaela van der Schaar, UCLA, USA
Finance Chair Ivana Tosic, EPFL, Switzerland
Local Chair Jean-Paul Wagner, EPFL, Switzerland
Publicity Chair Jacob Chakareski, Layered Media, USA
Webmaster Zafer ARICAN, EPFL, Switzerland
Technical Program Committee
John Apostolopoulos, HP Labs, USA; Jacob Chakareski, Layered Media, USA; Tsuhan Chen, CMU, USA; Phil Chou, Microsoft Research, USA; Reha Civanlar, DoCoMo Labs, USA; Mark Claypool, Worcester Polytechnic Inst., USA; Pamela Cosman, UCSD, USA; Raouf Hamzaoui, DMU, Leicester, UK; Gunnar Karlsson, KTH, Sweden; Dilip Krishnaswamy, Intel Labs, USA; Jin Li, Microsoft Research, USA; Shipeng Li, Microsoft Research Asia, China; Juan Carlos de Martin, Politecnico Torino, Italy; Antonio Ortega, USC, USA; Fernando Pereira, IST, Portugal; Amy Reibman, AT&T Research, USA; Keith Ross, Polytechnic Univ. NY, USA; Ralf Schaefer, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany; Eckehard Steinbach, TUM, Germany; Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor, Germany; Deepak Turaga, IBM Research, USA; Thierry Turletti, INRIA, France; Olivier Verscheure, IBM Research, USA; Christophe de Vleeschouwer, UCL, Belgium; Stephan Wenger, Nokia Research, Finland; Min Wu, Univ. of Maryland, USA; Avideh Zakhor, UC Berkeley, USA; Magda El Zarki, UC Irvine, USA; Lu Yu, Zhejiang University, China; Qian Zhang, UST, Hong Kong
participants (1)
Lars Wolf