Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE WoWMoM 2022 -- Call for Workshop Papers, Postgraduate Forum, and Demos/Posters

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE WoWMoM 2022 -- Call for Workshop Papers, Postgraduate Forum, and Demos/Posters Datum: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 13:32:42 -0500 Von: Francesco Restuccia f.restuccia@NORTHEASTERN.EDU Antwort an: Francesco Restuccia f.restuccia@NORTHEASTERN.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
************************************************************************************ IEEE WoWMoM 2022 - Call for Workshop Papers, Postgraduate Forum, and Demos/Posters
23rd IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022 ************************************************************************************
IEEE WoWMoM 2022 calls for your contributions in the following categories. Workshops: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/workshops_page.html Postgraduate forum: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/phd_forum.html Demos/Posters: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/demos.html
****************************************** IEEE Calls for Workshops: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/workshops_page.html ****************************************** TWINNETS22: First International Workshop on Massive Digital Twins for the Computer-Networks Evolution Organizers: Antonio Virdis (University of Pisa), Marco Picone (University of Modena), Alessandro Ricci (University of Bologna) and Antonio de la Oliva Delgado (University Carlos III of Madrid). For call for papers and important dates, please visit: http://www.twinnets22.unipi.it/
SWARMNET22: Fourth IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Wireless Networking, Planning, and Computing for UAV Swarms Organizers: Nick Mastronarde (University at Buffalo), Jacob Chakareski (New Jersey Institute of Technology) and Fatemeh Afghah (Northern Arizona University). For call for papers and important dates, please visit: https://swarmnet-workshop.github.io/2022/
SC2: Third International Workshop on Smart Computing for Smart Cities Organizers: Anish Jindal (University of Essex), Angelos K. Marnerides (University of Glasgow), Petros Spachos (University of Guelph) and Amit Dvir (Ariel University). For call for papers and important dates, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/sc2-wowmom2022/home
ISMS 2022: 2nd Workshop on ICT for Integrated Smart Mobility Solutions Organizers: Federico Chiariotti (Aalborg University), Andrea Zanella (University of Padova), Federico Librino (IIT CNR - Pisa). For call for papers and important dates, please visit: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/isms/index.html
NTN-6G: 2nd IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on NTN in 6G Wireless Organisers: Sara Pizzi (University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria), Helka-Liina Määttänen (Ericsson Research), Giuseppe Araniti (University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria) For call for papers and important dates, please visit: http://ntn-6g.unirc.it/
TAI-RM2022: The First International Workshop on Trustworthy AI for the Future of Risk Management Organisers: Jun Liu (Ulster University), Luis Martinez (University of Jaen) and Javier Andreu (University of Essex) For call for papers and important dates, please visit: http://adrianmoore.net/websites/TAI-RM2022/
************************************************************************************ IEEE WoWMoM 2022 Call for Postgraduate Forum: https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/phd_forum.html ************************************************************************************
Ph.D. and Masters researchers are invited to submit two-page extended abstracts that describe their current research and potential contributions. The Forum provides an excellent opportunity for current and recently completed Ph.D. and Masters researchers to present their dissertation research, including work in progress, to an internationally renowned audience of researchers from Academia and Industry. Accepted abstracts will be invited to present during a rapid one-minute-madness presentation session before presenting their submission during a poster session aligned within the main conference. The poster session provides an opportunity for extended interaction between Postgraduate researchers and established researchers from academia, industry, and government. The top three abstracts, as judged by the Postgraduate Forum Technical Program Committee, will be invited to provide a live 10-minute oral presentation during the Postgraduate Forum. During the Forum, senior community members will be present to provide constructive technical comments to each attendee. In addition to the rapid presentation session, an invited presentation will be given by a distinguished guest international speaker. This presentation will focus on the commercialization of blue skies academic research, and specifically how this can be achieved for Postgraduate research.
POSTGRADUATE FORUM AWARDS The top three abstracts, as judged by the Postgraduate Forum Technical Program Committee, will be invited to provide a live 10-minute oral presentation during the Postgraduate Forum. They will also receive a certificate of recognition.
IMPORTANT DATES Abstract due: March 1, 2022 Acceptance notification: April 1, 2022 Camera-ready version due: April 15, 2022
POSTGRADUATE FORUM CO-CHAIRS For any additional information, please contact the Postgraduate Co-chairs. Ian Cleland, Ulster University, UK Shehroz S. Khan, University of Toronto, Canada ****************************************** IEEE WoWMoM 2022 Call for Demos & Posters https://computing.ulster.ac.uk/WoWMoM2022/demos.html ****************************************** WoWMoM 2022 invites technical demonstrations and posters showing innovative and original research in the areas of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking as well as ubiquitous and pervasive systems. We particularly encourage demos that will enable attendees to interact and experiment. Submissions from both industry and academia are strongly encouraged.
Submissions should include an extended abstract, up to three pages long, in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society Author Guidelines. This abstract should state explicitly what will be demonstrated to the WoWMoM audience, and how the attendees will be able to interact and experiment. A full list of authors with complete affiliations should be included. Power and wireless Internet connectivity will be available at the venue. If any additional resources are needed, please contact the Industry Session chair by email.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process. At least one author of each accepted demo is required to register and present their demo at the conference. The extended abstracts of accepted demos will be included in the proceedings of WoWMoM 2022. At the event, an industrially experienced panel of judges will assess the demos for the WoWMoM 2022 Best Demo Award, based on innovation and technical contribution.
IMPORTANT DATES Extended demo abstract submission deadline: March 11, 2022 Acceptance notification: March 25, 2022 Camera-Ready version due: April 8, 2022
PAPER SUBMISSON AND PUBLICATION Demos can be submitted via the EDAS Paper Processing System (submit to the Industry Session track).
INDUSTRY SESSION CO-CHAIRS Bryan Scotney (Ulster University, UK) Nader Azarmi (BT, UK) Mikel Zorrilla (Vicomtech, Spain) Gerard Parr (University of East Anglia, UK)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf