[Tccc] Extended CFP - Workshop on Improved Mobile User Experience IMUx @ Pervasive 2008 - Extended Deadline: February 8th

[Apologies for Cross-Posting]
The Second International Workshop on Improved Mobile User Experience (IMUx 2008)
in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2008), 19-22 May 2008, Sydney, Australia
Extended Submission Deadline: 8 February 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current interfaces of mobile devices are rather limited when adaptability, context-awareness and proactiveness are considered. For example, they do not utilize the context of the interaction, nor the environmental changes in the user's proximity or the capabilities of the device itself. This context can include information about the situation and the user preferences, longer or shorter time usage histories, etc. To improve usability and to provide a better user experience, the interfaces of the devices should become more intelligent and require less intentional user inputs. In order to achieve this goal, novel interaction methods need to be developed and combined with statistical models of the user that capture, for example, her behavior, personal preferences and goals. Furthermore, the developed solutions need to be evaluated via extensive user tests to guarantee they are valuable to the users. To improve the dialogue between the different research areas and their practitioners, the workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of user modeling, user interaction and user experience, with developers of mobile and ubiquitous applications. The ultimate goal of the workshop is to provide a common forum for exchanging ideas between these domains.
The workshop welcomes two kinds of paper submissions: research papers and position papers. Also videos and demonstrations can be submitted.
The research papers should present original research related to one or more of the following areas:
* user interaction in mobile environments, * ubiquitous user modeling, and * mobile user experience.
The position papers should address challenges in combining the above-mentioned areas, and beyond, for an improved mobile user experience, and propose approaches for overcoming these challenges. We encourage authors to take a visionary view and a critical stand towards current practices and trends.
Example topics for the research and position papers include, but are not limited to,
* adaptive context-aware user interfaces, * mobile computing applications with adaptation, * considerate computing, * context-aware information retrieval, * embedded solutions for machine learning, * large scale data gathering and its challenges, * large scale user studies, * minimal/implicit/reduced user interaction, * mixed-initiative interaction.
Deadline: 8 February 2008 at 23:59 EST. Notification: 29 February 2008. Day of workshop: 19 May 2008 or 22 May 2008 (pending the Pervasive conference organizer's decision)
The manuscripts should be prepared according to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science guidelines. The maximum length of submissions is 10 pages for research papers and 6 pages for videos and demonstrations.
Papers should be submitted by email to the address imux2008@hiit.fi by 8th of February 2008 at 23:59 EST.
Each paper will be sent for review to three members of the program committee or organizing committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Adjunct Proceedings of Pervasive 2008, which will be published with the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) series and online.
All participants in the workshop need to register for the event. Further information will be available later. At least one author of the accepted papers is expected to register for the workshop.
Organizing committee:
* Péter Boda (Nokia Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif., USA) * Ákos Vétek (Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland) * Patrik Floréen (HIIT, Helsinki, Finland) * Esko Kurvinen (HIIT, Helsinki, Finland) * Petteri Nurmi (HIIT, Helsinki, Finland)
Program committee:
* Mark Adler (Nokia Research Center, Cambridge, MA, USA) * Wray Buntine (NICTA, Canberra, Australia) * Jim Glass (MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA) * Matt Jones (Swansea University, Swansea, UK) * Johan Koolwaaij (Telematica Instituut, Enschede, The Netherlands) * Kun Chang Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea) * Rene Mayrhofer (Lancaster University, UK) * Tatsuo Nakajima (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) * Massimo Paolucci (DoCoMo Eurolabs, Munich, Germany)
Workshop organization
The program consists of invited talks together with presentations, and possibly demonstrations and videos, from the participants. Each paper presentation is allocated a time of 20-30 minutes (including Q/A time) followed by time for discussions at the end of each session.
Nokia intends to sponsor an award (e.g. a mobile device) to be given out as a Nokia Best Paper Award. _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Petteri Nurmi