[Fwd: 2nd Call for Papers - 1st Workshop on Applications of Wireless Communications (WAWC'03)]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: 2nd Call for Papers - 1st Workshop on Applications of Wireless Communications (WAWC'03) Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 08:28:21 +0200 (EET) From: Jenni Hyv{rinen jhyvarin@lut.fi Reply-To: wawc@lut.fi To: Undisclosed recipients: ;
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******************************************************************* 2nd Call for Papers
1st Workshop on Applications of Wireless Communications (WAWC'03) in conjunction with the 12th International Summer School on Telecommunications 7.8.2003
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland ******************************************************************* www.it.lut.fi/WAWC
***Sponsored by: Lappeenranta University of Technology
***Important dates Paper submission due: 28.2.2003 Notification of acceptance: 15.4.2003 Revised papers due: 15.5.2003
***Overview WAWC 2003 will highlight the latest research and developments in the wireless communication technologies with major emphasis on the applications of the wireless communications. This workshop is intended for researchers and professionals interested in the applicability of the wireless communications. This will be a one day workshop, featuring invited presentation and refereed paper presentations.
***Scope/Topics Applications on wireless communication should concentrate at one of the following topics.
- Bluetooth - WLAN - Personal mobility - Personalization - Authentication - Interoperability - Mobile communication - Ad-hoc networking - Development issues of applications
Applications areas where the wireless communication plays an important role WAWC'03 is NOT an appropriate forum for research focused narrowly on the physical, link or network layers. All papers are supposed to be related to the applications of the given topics. Please feel free to contact the program chair at WAWC@lut.fi to determine the appropriateness of the topic Best paper award Best paper award will be given for the best paper of the workshop. Best paper award is selected among the accepted papers according to the review statements.
***What to submit? Submission should be full papers, maximum of 10 single-spaced A4 pages, including figures, tables and references using point 11 font. A good paper demonstrates that - Application area presented is or will be of greater interest of majority - Wireless communication has a significant role in the solution - The realization of the application presents a new way of doing things
***Papers may be selected as: - Full papers (max. 10 pages) - Short papers (max. 5 pages) - Posters
WAWC'03, like most conferences and journals, requires that papers must be original and are published only in this conference.
Proceedings will be published in the series of Lappeenranta University of Technology. All selected papers must be paid in advance and presented in the conference.
***How to submit? All submissions for WAWC'03 will be electronic, in PDF format. Please, submit papers by sending them to WAWC@lut.fi . Authors will be notified of the receipt of submission via email. If you do not receive notification, contact WAWC@lut.fi .
***Registration material Complete program and registration information will be available in May 2003 on the Workshop Web site www.it.lut.fi/WAWC. The information will be in both html and a printable PDF file formats.
***More information For more information please view WAWC'03 homepage at http://www.it.lut.fi/WAWC or contact the program chair via email, WAWC@lut.fi .
participants (1)
Lars Wolf