Fwd: VTC2022-Fall Deadline Extension, VPPC 2022 and VTC2023-Spring

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: VTC2022-Fall Deadline Extension, VPPC 2022 and VTC2023-Spring Datum: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 22:04:48 -0400 Von: IEEE Vehicular Technology Society cerry@ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Vehicular Technology Society header Join Our LinkedIn Group http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=QGoMepeP8zeXKOptsGMoHy9I2K1q37Ix6CMOTxorwGR7L5ZhWAiu9JDsdbCDDGALnADmY8DAlr6cn5J4zLikzQ~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~ Join Our LinkedIn Group http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=9sbJ1KaI6yWtn3c5UPR33Bz8gcfiWRvCrtSCDb0i5VyEdWUj-e8EIC4Pixjy9D0CsUkne0IBlRLFrTMgDVtu2Q~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
*-- VTC2022-Fall **--* <#VTC2022_Fall>
*Deadline Extended*
*--**Call for Papers Deadline: **17** July 2022 -- * <#VTC2022_Fall>
*--**Call for Industry Program Session Proposals Deadline: **31** July 2022 -- * <#Fall_Industry>
*--**Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline: **17** July 2022 -- * <#Fall_Tutorials>
*--**Call for Workshop Proposals Deadline: **17** July 2022 -- * <#Fall_workshops>
*--IEEE VPPC 2022--* <#VPPC_2022>
*--**Call for TVT Papers Deadline: **31** July 2022 -- * <#VPPC_2022>
*-- VTC2023-Spring * *--* <#2023_Spring>
*-- Call for Papers Deadline: 12 December 2022--* <#2023_Spring>
*--**Call for Tutorial Proposals Deadline: **19** January 2023 -- * <#2023_tutorials>
*--**Call for Workshop Proposals Deadline: **12 December** 2022 -- * <#2023_spring_workshops>
*VTC2022-Fall *
*London / Beijing*
*26-29 September*
The 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2022-Fall will be held in simultaneously in London and Beijing 26-29 September 2022. This semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology.
IEEE VTC2022-Fall will feature world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, technical as well as application sessions, and an innovative Industry Track, which will feature panels and presentations with industry leaders sharing their perspectives on the latest technologies.
*Call for Papers*
Prospective authors are invited to submit 2-page extended summaries or up to 5-page, original, unpublished, full technical papers for review.
A full paper can be up to 7 pages in length, just note that papers longer than 5 pages will require the purchase of additional page charges at the time of registration and final paper submission. Please do not submit papers longer than 8 pages for review as it is not likely that the paper could be edited to a maximum of 7 pages or less upon acceptance.
VTC2022-Fall in London and Beijing will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit original, and unpublished full papers in the following areas:
1. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 2. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 3. Intelligent and Semantic Communications 4. IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 5. Positioning, Navigation and Mobile Satellite Systems 6. Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks 7. Signal Transmission and Reception, MIMO Techniques 8. Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Management, Cognitive Radio, and Green Radio 9. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, Vehicular Networks, and Telematics 10. Wireless Networks: Protocols, Security and Services
Paper submission deadline*EXTENDED:* *17 July 2022* Acceptance notification:*31 July 2022 *Final paper submission deadline: 24 August 2022**
*To submit a paper, please visit: **https://vtc2022fall.trackchair.com/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=LkiXsN5KKUYiJVCDJw-aV1N8rBJZ-RfNZ6iH4JoBEl5CCd5YiUAOJcp_-ndf2SnnK89Mm4UP-giySZkL7ooq-g~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~*
*Call for Industry Program Proposals*
IEEE VTC2022-Fall will provide an attractive Industry Program, which will feature Keynote Talks, panels, and special sessions, bringing speakers from industry and academia to discuss timely and relevant topics of interest to VTC participants.
Please prepare and submit your proposals with reference to the following guidelines.
The proposal for an Industry Panel/Special Session should include the following information:
* Proposer’s information (name, affiliation, email address, telephone number) * Title, Motivation and Background * List of 5 questions to be discussed/answered in the panel * Names, affiliations, brief bios, and presentation titles of panelists (to the extent already available)
* The Panel should not have more than 4 participants, plus the moderator. * The organizer is supposed to be the moderator. There should be only 1 moderator. * The organizer should prepare in advance a few questions on the panel topic and give them in advance to the panelists. * The panel occupies one session time-slot, i.e., 90 minutes * Panels will be held during the conference programme, in parallel to other technical sessions. * The moderator gives a 10-minute presentation at the beginning of the panel, to introduce the topic * Participants should address the questions posed, in a 10-minute presentation with a small number of slides.
* The Special Session should have 5-6 speakers, plus the chair. * The organizer is supposed to be the chair. * The special session will include presentations by each presenter, and a Q&A session. * The presentations should be focused on the theme of the proposed special session, addressing different aspects. The presentation by individual speaker should be 10-12 minutes, so that sufficient time is available for Q&As.
* o 5G/6G Services, Implementations and Standards o Internet of Things/Vehicles and Big Data o Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation o Drone/V2X Applications, Technologies and Challenges o Tactile Internet o Machine Learning and AI for Communications o Cloud and Fog/Edge Computing, Networking and Storage o Security and Privacy o Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Management, Cognitive Radio, and Green Radio o Vehicular Cooperation and Control, Assisted and Autonomous Driving o Connected Vehicles with IoT and Big Data
* o + *Proposal submission deadline: *July 31, 2022 + *Proposal acceptance notification:* August 21, 2022 + *Slides submission:* September 15, 2022
To submit a proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2022-fall/conference-sessions/industry-track-proposals/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=QVMKkdq7XsI9wdwrhRi7C94stelkKLCuU1Q55TyEzG5Au_u9_TiV8Qt1FtXxIBO2lCxAD6GxaFpk17wowYkIxA~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
Please feel free to contact the Industry Program Chairs if you have any questions regarding the Industry Panel content or setup.
*Call for Tutorial Proposals*
Tutorials provide opportunities for researchers from the academia and the industry to learn about the state-of-the-art research and development from experts in a given field. The IEEE VTC2022-Fall Technical Program Committee invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day presentation on topics of interest to the conference, such as (but not limited to):
1. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 2. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 3. Intelligent and Semantic Communications 4. IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 5. Positioning, Navigation and Mobile Satellite Systems 6. Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks 7. Signal Transmission and Reception, MIMO Techniques 8. Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Management, Cognitive Radio, and Green Radio 9. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, Vehicular Networks, and Telematics 10. Wireless Networks: Protocols, Security and Services
For topics outside these focus areas, please, consult with the Tutorial Chair prior to a proposal submission.
*Please submit tutorial proposals using the form shown below.*
*_Deadlines_* Full proposals due:*17 July 2022* Acceptance notification: *3 August 2022* *All tutorials will be presented on 26 September 2022*
To submit a proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2022-fall/conference-sessions/call-for-tutorials/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=aMqprY3orqgvqTyb7FrvIXJ2sCy-ZMXy6NIuSxH6B9--u21kbLW6nATv2oCGD8bRIE9UK3k-QrJF8VgTrqK9Ag~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
*Call for Workshop Proposals*
Workshops provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results in areas of particular interest. We invite submissions of cutting-edge workshop proposals to complement the technical program of VTC2022-Fall.
Workshops will cover specific topics with a mix of regular papers, panel discussions, keynotes, and possibly poster presentations. We ask for proposals that deal with topics in emerging areas of mobile and vehicular technologies.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 2. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 3. Intelligent and Semantic Communications 4. IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 5. Positioning, Navigation and Mobile Satellite Systems 6. Radio Access Technology and Heterogeneous Networks 7. Signal Transmission and Reception, MIMO Techniques 8. Spectrum Sharing, Spectrum Management, Cognitive Radio, and Green Radio 9. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, Vehicular Networks, and Telematics 10. Wireless Networks: Protocols, Security and Services
For topics outside these focus areas, please, consult with the respective workshop chairs prior to a proposal submission.
Submission Procedure
All proposals will be independently reviewed and a decision on acceptance communicated by the notification date listed below. After acceptance, workshop organizers are expected to set up a website and to actively promote their workshops, as well as submit details for promotion at the main VTC site. The paper submission process will be arranged and handled by the online TrackChair system.
*_Deadlines_* Proposal submission due: *17 July 2022* Proposal notification: *20 July 2022* Workshop paper submission due: *7 August 2022* Workshop paper acceptance notification: *17 August 2022* Final paper submission: *24 August 2022*
To submit a proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2022-fall/conference-sessions/call-for-workshops/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=2dZcdMkZiP_UsHm2YzvaBfGagJVfmUgu3XZ-6nju-j523At8NA0yo-65zmg0vjCxacbEBJd0G6t35KG8Tm75Pw~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
*<BACK> <#Top>*
*IEEE VPPC 2022 *
*Merced, CA, USA*
*1-4 November *
*The 2022 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference* (IEEE VPPC 2022 http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=bfb2GaLBNpveJyfmpb8Vw5FIMb1hrBI2xioJT-SRLWayEBhVcn7mWuFCbT_Sqde7AXU1-dlJZxegYMfhHNc65A~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~) will be held in Merced, California, USA. The conference will bring together practicing engineers, researchers and other professionals for interactive and multidisciplinary discussions on*electrified vehicle* power, propulsion and related technologies. Our main goal is to*connect green e-motion* worldwide in a complete network. It will include keynote papers by authoritative speakers, technical sessions, tutorial sessions, poster sessions, special and invited sessions, and exhibitions. Proposals of special sessions are accepted. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
*Call for TVT Papers *
/*This is only for previously published authors in VPPC 2020 and VPPC 2021 conferences.*/
*IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology*
*Call for Papers for Speical Section on *
*“More Integrated Electrified Vehicles”*
*In Collaboration with IEEE VPPC 2020 and IEEE VPPC 2021 *
Advanced energy storage, power electronics, machines and drive, control, and energy management strategies, charging infrastructures and vehicle-to-everything technology are developed in order to ensure better energy performance, reduced operating cost, and higher lifetime of future transportation systems including not only road vehicles, but also more electric trains, subways, ships and airplanes. Research on innovative and more integrated electric powertrain technologies is required, to push electrified vehicles on the market.
To further promote excellence of research in Vehicle Power and Propulsion, in conjunction with IEEE VPPC 2021 and IEEE VPPC 2020, a special section in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology is proposed to focus research and development as well as future trends of *more integrated electric vehicles*. Papers related to the components by themselves will not be considered in this special section (i.e., paper on components without integration in the vehicle are out of topic).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:
* Batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, flywheels systems embedded in hybrid & electrical vehicles * Power electronics converters and machines designed and embedded in innovative electrified vehicles * Infrastructures and technology for vehicle charging and vehicle-to-everything * Design, modeling, and simulation of electrified powertrains * Durability issues and accelerated stress tests * Vehicle control, fault-tolerant operations, energy management strategies * Hybrid Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Vehicles, … * Automotive, railway, subway, ships, aeronautic, aerospace, and robotic applications
Potential authors are invited to submit their original contributions for consideration to be published in this special section. A thorough peer review will be conducted to select top papers to be included in this special section. Only papers presented at IEEE VPPC 2021 and IEEE VPPC 2020 will be considered. Please note that IEEE TVT requires that a journal submission offer substantive novel contributions beyond the previous work in a conference paper. The submitted papers require a mandatory extension *at least of 50% of changes of content (ideas)*, and a new title. Moreover, as the similarity index should be under 50%, the authors are encouraged to take a sufficient margin for avoiding desk rejection. The conference paper must be uploaded when the journal paper is submitted. Moreover, the cover letter along with manuscript should mention specifically *“VPPC Special Section” *and a letter with a list of major differences must also be uploaded with the new paper as a supplementary file. Finally, the reviewing process will include just *one round revision *and the authors are expected to submit high caliber papers as soon as the first manuscript submission. It should be noticed that the *submission deadline will not be postpone *respecting the publication date. After this deadline, the papers can be submitted as regular papers and not in this special section.
*Deadlines –*
Manuscript Submission Deadline – *July 31, 2022* First Decision – *September 30, 2022* Revised Paper Due – *November 30, 2022* Final Decision – *January 31, 2023* Estimated publication date – *First or second quarters of 2023*
*Manuscript Preparation and Submission*
All manuscripts must follow the guidelines under “Information for Authors” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology at http://www.it.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~tvt/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=uIIxH7Bq1PAvYu_4SBVZI3gpiK8hZdkeHkeCx29xlTECRO_mmzH7-094jRXGdxN0PTvdpAEMSCcQQePwTxwVLg~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~. Please submit your manuscript in electronic form through Manuscript Central web site: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tvt-ieee. http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=FIqA8AHXL6muyc3fa_ttS16onUfuenlZ6P8o7qRj6rvJ-s4l9FLgMx0kL1UXuuaE1M3zLlfD0euZa4QeDYp6Yg~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~On the submission page #1 in the popup menu for the manuscript type, select “Special Issue” and in the special issue topic write: “*Vehicle Power Propulsion systems**”*
*/Guest Editor/* *Pablo A. Arboleya, *IEEE-VPPC’20 and IEEE-VPPC’21 general chair, University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain.
/*Co-Guest Editor*/ *Minh C. Ta, *IEEE-VPPC’19 general chair, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada
Please check out: CFP_VPPC21_TVT_SS_2022_v2 http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=TLFHbdJViA8R-30AW1RqGYnumsT1VgDcdmZdw1GUaKD0BtFneUX30SyvVnGek5TdihjDyLKF62FPgek3ZSMiOQ~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
For additional information, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vppc2022/authors/call-for-papers-for-tvt/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=CnsD9rJx2eh4Mmeba0jR92B-Sq7xNjL3OHsEOXJFwKber5TvEInNWfpmN8owywWoaQushLcm6A1Gx66Mbi-j4g~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
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*VTC2023-Spring *
*Florence, Italy*
*June 2023 *
The 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Spring will be held in Florence, Italy during June 2023. This semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology.
IEEE VTC2023-Spring will feature world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, technical as well as application sessions, and an innovative Industry Track, which will feature panels and presentations with industry leaders sharing their perspectives on the latest technologies.
*Call for Papers*
VTC2023-Fall in Florence, Italy will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers. A full paper can be up to 7 pages in length, just note that papers longer than 5 pages will require the purchase of additional page charges at the time of registration and final paper submission. Please do not submit papers longer than 8 pages for review as it is not likely that the paper could be edited to a maximum of 7 pages or less upon acceptance.
1. Airborne and Maritime Mobile Systems and Services 2. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 3. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 4. Emerging technologies, 6G and beyond 5. Green Communications and Networks 6. IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 7. Machine Learning and AI for Communications 8. Multiple Antennas and Cooperative Communications 9. Positioning, Navigation, and Sensing 10. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 11. Spectrum Management, Radio Access Technology, Services and Security 12. Vehicular Cooperation and Control, Assisted and Autonomous Driving
Paper submission deadline: *12 December 2022* Acceptance notification:* 2 March 2023 *Final paper submission deadline: 30 March 2023**
*For additional information, please visit: **events.vtsociety.org/vtc2023-spring/authors/call-for-papers-2/* http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=TqwtPiYv9-mVKXlLNUSDsyuAAuHkVizdIrusgTOXHgOGKmLEMDeR_8fXymX_CwAZedvKkkwHsgnjIlVqy0ctrA~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
*Call for Tutorial Proposals*
Tutorials provide opportunities for researchers from the academia and the industry to learn about the state-of-the-art research and development from experts in a given field. The IEEE VTC2022-Spring Technical Program Committee invites submission of tutorial proposals for half-day presentation on topics of interest to the conference, such as (but not limited to):
1. Airborne and Maritime Mobile Systems and Services 2. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 3. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 4. Emerging technologies, 6G and beyond 5. Green Communications and Networks 6. IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 7. Machine Learning and AI for Communications 8. Multiple Antennas and Cooperative Communications 9. Positioning, Navigation, and Sensing 10. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 11. Spectrum Management, Radio Access Technology, Services and Security 12. Vehicular Cooperation and Control, Assisted and Autonomous Driving
For topics outside these focus areas, please, consult with the Tutorial Chair prior to a proposal submission.
*_Deadlines_* Full proposals due:* 19 January 2023* Acceptance notification: *16 February 2023*
To submit a proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2023-spring/call-for-tutorials/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=3av_FnuafWDadlrts84M56QlHvmLEbM06OkABpWxitfl1V0afBz0ex-32zMwITz7j9ybgE53Xqt0Q-8zpECrFw~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
*Call for Workshop Proposals*
Workshops provide invaluable opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their state-of-the-art research and development results in areas of particular interest. We invite submissions of cutting-edge workshop proposals to complement the technical program of VTC2023-Spring.
Workshops will cover specific topics with a mix of regular papers, panel discussions, keynotes, and possibly poster presentations. We ask for proposals that deal with topics in emerging areas of mobile and vehicular technologies.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Airborne and Maritime Mobile Systems and Services 2. Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design 3. Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation 4. Emerging technologies, 6G and beyond 5. Green Communications and Networks 6. IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking 7. Machine Learning and AI for Communications 8. Multiple Antennas and Cooperative Communications 9. Positioning, Navigation, and Sensing 10. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 11. Spectrum Management, Radio Access Technology, Services and Security 12. Vehicular Cooperation and Control, Assisted and Autonomous Driving
For topics outside these focus areas, please, consult with the respective workshop chairs prior to a proposal submission.
Submission Procedure
All proposals will be independently reviewed and a decision on acceptance communicated by the notification date listed below. After acceptance, workshop organizers are expected to set up a website and to actively promote their workshops, as well as submit details for promotion at the main VTC site. The paper submission process will be arranged and handled by the online TrackChair system.
*_Deadlines_* Proposal submission due: *12 December 2022* Proposal notification: *22 December 2022* Workshop paper submission due: *23 February 2023* Workshop paper acceptance notification: *16 April 2023* Final paper submission: *30 April 2023*
To submit a proposal, please visit: events.vtsociety.org/vtc2023-spring/call-for-workshops/ http://send.vts.ieee.org/link.cfm?r=2YOlbDhEw1Nb9yXgRrXupw~~&pe=RPQaRQ7ABhOVHvWaMoLEAclRT6fcXjc_viX1cI2ybUIfRoXBN8fkUpvfOj36UgVXepZg7c-d1Q0HNZWwio9ECA~~&t=D8tdW84QrwTkki9rTBzJBw~~
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf