[Fwd: CFP - Workshop on Self-Organising Wireless Sensor and Communication Networks]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP - Workshop on Self-Organising Wireless Sensor and Communication Networks Datum: Wed, 27 May 2009 10:27:58 +0200 Von: Christoph Weyer c.weyer@TU-HARBURG.DE Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE Organisation: Hamburg University of Technology An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Workshop on
Self-Organising Wireless Sensor and Communication Networks
8. - 9. October 2009, Hotel Hafen Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
The combination of mobile sensors and mobile wireless networks allows area surveillance techniques even in critical measurement situations. Application examples are large-area measurements of particle or pollutant concentrations in the air and determination of traffic density for the entire road system.
The long term goal is the implementation of large, self-organising networks consisting of thousands of individual nodes. These nodes are equipped with specific sensors which perform measurements autonomously over long time periods.
This workshop provides an opportunity for researchers and experts interested in all aspects of different mobile self-organising wireless networks to meet and discuss current activities and results. Papers on all aspects of wireless sensor and communication networks are solicited.
Sensor, Actuator and Communication Networks * Self-organisation: methods and algorithms * Error-confining algorithms * Software development methods * Information processing * Mobile networks (e.g., Car2car communication) * Actuator networks * Sensor, actuator, networks * Applications * Implemented networks
Sensors and Actuators * Sensors and measurement systems * Actuators * Low-Power signal processing * Sensor interface electronics
Energy Harvesting * Solar cells * Thermoelectric systems * Piezoelectric systems * Electrodynamic systems
Authors are invited to submit abstracts (300 words) through the submission page (www.somsed.de). Abstracts will be reviewed by the programme committee for technical merit and suitability of content. The contact author will be notified of abstract acceptance by e-mail (15 July 2009). Manuscript instructions will be included in acceptance notifications. Manuscripts (4-6 pages, language: english) have to be submitted until 15 September 2009. All accepted papers will be published in a proceedings book (with ISBN number).
Submission of abstracts: 1 July 2009 Notification of authors: 15 July 2009 Submission of manuscripts: 15 September 2009
participants (1)
Lars Wolf