[Tccc] DWSAN4CIP'09: Call for papers - 40 days until deadline

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International Workshop on Dependable Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Critical Infrastructure Protection
October 12 - 14, 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia
Technically Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society Russia Northwest Chapter
Thematically supported by EU FP7 project WSAN4CIP
It is hard to overestimate the role of ICT systems in operational cycles of modern industry and life supporting infrastructures. ICT control systems are used to continuously monitor the state of industrial processes and status of critical infrastructures. Over the last few years Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) technology appeared as an ideal technological building block to improve the reliability and availability of ICTs in critical operational environments. On the other hand WSANs themselves become part of a critical infrastructures and processes. Whenever another layer of complexity is added to a system, this opens new possibilities for system failures, misuse or malicious attacks. The critical prerequisite for WSANs to be adopted in performance critical applications is their dependability, i.e. the ability of a system to deliver specified services to the user.
It is, however, by far not trivial to make WSANs dependable for variety of applications in different operation environments and having different performance requirements. For DWSAN workshop we solicit original contributions aiming at achieving dependability of WSAN technology on different layers. Experiences from real-life deployment of dependable WSANs, application dependent WSAN design methodologies, dependable MAC, network and transport protocols, general issues of reliability, security in dependable WSANs are some of the key research topics to be discussed during the workshop.
The goal of the workshop is to present high-quality results in the field, and to provide a framework for research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate future research efforts and directions. In this context, the program committee will accept only a limited number of papers that meet the criteria of originality, presentation quality and topic relevance.
Workshop Topics
The workshop objectives will be pursued through highly technical sessions organized thematically and keynote talks offered by recognized experts. Topics of interest to DWSAN 2009 include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Real life experience from deployment of wireless sensor networks in critical applications * Methodologies for assessment of performance requirements * Methodologies for systematic design of WSAN communication architecture * Application of control theory for cross-layer optimization of dependable communication protocols for WSAN * Dependable MAC protocols * Dependable routing protocols * Dependable transport protocols * Intelligent energy and QoS management * Fault tolerant middleware for WSANs * Operating systems for dependable WSANs * Security services
Keynote speech
We have a pleasure to announce that the keynote speech this year will be given by Professor Ivan Stojmenovic, SITE, University of Ottawa, Canada http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~ivan . Please visit workshop's website for more information.
The authors are invited to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished, complete research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of computer networking and data communications. All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings as well as electronically in IEEE Xplore. Papers must be submitted electronically in the conference site. Please adhere to the IEEE formatting standard for a 12-page manuscript. The cover page must contain an abstract of about 150 words, 3-5 keywords, name and affiliation of author(s) as well as the corresponding author's e-mail and postal address.
Revised and extended versions of the most outstanding papers will be published in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (Elsevier)
TPC Chairs Peter Langendoerfer, IHP, Germany Evgeny Osipov, LTU, Sweden Dirk Westhoff, NEC, Germany
Technical Program Committee:
Ammar Alkassar, Sirrix, Germany Wolfgang Birk, LTU, Sweden Jens-Matthias Bohli, NEC, Germany Levente Buttyan, BME, Hungary Augusto Casaca, INESC, Portugal Claude Castelluccia, INRIA, France Mieso Denko, University of Guelph, Canada Manuel Diaz, UMA, Spain Carlo Fischione, KTH, Sweden Antonio Grilo, INESC, Portugal Javier Lopez, UMA, Spain Alessandro Mei, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Refik Molva, Eurecom, France Guevarra Noubir, North Eastern University Boston, USA Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Frank Stajano, Cambridge University, UK Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Thiemo Voigt, SICS, Sweden Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia, USA
Important Dates
Paper submission: June 15, 2009 Acceptance notification: July 15, 2009 Camera ready: August 15, 2009
-- Dr. Evgeny Osipov Assistant Professor, Head of the Communication Networks group Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Luleå University of Technology Tel. +46 920 49 15 78
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participants (1)
Evgeny Osipov