[Fwd: [ICEC] CfP ECSCW2005 - Workshop on Computer Games and CSCW]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [ICEC] CfP ECSCW2005 - Workshop on Computer Games and CSCW Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 13:32:45 +0200 From: Rauterberg, G.W.M. G.W.M.Rauterberg@tue.nl To: icec@listserver.tue.nl
CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS ECSCW 2005 - 9th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Workshop: Computer Games and CSCW "What Can We Learn About Collaboration, Cooperation, and Community?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of the Workshop: 18./19. September 2005 Location: Paris, France Submission Deadline: 20. June 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE WORKSHOP ------------------------------ Computer Games and Collaborative Working Environments - at first glance this appears to be a surprising combination. However, there are several overlaps between these two research areas. The aim of the workshop is to study commonalities and particularities in the design of Computer Games and CSCW systems in their structure and as a learning environment.
Nowadays Computer Games are not only used for entertainment purposes but become a serious issue in research and business. Games have long provided a structured environment for quickly learning complex collaborative or cooperative behaviours through play. Computer Games find application in today's working environments as so called 'Serious Games' for training and simulation purposes, and share as a collaborative activity several features and requirements with collaborative working environments. Games may combine successfully traditional aspects of gaming with the anytime, anywhere approach of modern information technology as in pervasive games. The aim of the workshop is to create a mutual understanding of how CSCW systems and Computer Games can benefit from each other in technology-mediated settings such as computer or video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, cross-media, mobile devices, live action role plays, or massively multi-player online role playing games (MMORPG). We are interested in examining structures which both research areas, Computer Games and CSCW systems have in common, and which can be shared in future applications.
Join us for a single-day workshop on Computer Games and CSCW and contribute with your position paper. A panel discussion will study in general how CSCW Systems and Computer Games can benefit from each other. It will cover new uses for games, ways of incorporating new methods into traditional CSCW usability testing, and ways of pursuing new goals such as peer or collaborative learning with games. Breakout groups will elaborate on panel topics, and also devise next steps for this interest community. The workshop will be highly interactive, allowing time for interpersonal, small group communication, questions, and discussion.
The workshop will bring together researchers, practitioners and designers from several disciplines, including game design and development, communication, psychology, computer science, graphics, visual art, etc. Participants are selected based on submitted position papers. A workshop report will be generated for SIGCHI Bulletin, and workshop participants are invited to submit extended versions of their position papers for publication in the journal Interactive Technology and Smart Education.
SUBMISSIONS ----------- Participants will be asked to electronically submit the following:
1. A position paper of no more than six pages (in the ECSCW paper format), which should include either/or: (a) A discussion of interest on collaborative learning in Computer Games. (b) A description of a practical approach in development of Computer Games in a Collaborative Working Environment. (c) Examples or some discussion on lessons learned for CSCW systems by having taken certain approaches to design or evaluation.
2. A profile of the author, as an appendix, consisting of: (a) A short biography (no more than 250 words) (b) The discipline(s) you are situated in (c) A brief description of your relevant work, with references (e.g. URLs)
Please submit your position papers to: Ecscw-games-workshop@fit.fraunhofer.de
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- * 20. June 2005 - Position Paper Submission Deadline * 4. July.2005 - Notification of Acceptance * 3. September - Camera Ready Version * 18./19. September 2005 - Date of the Workshop
WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS ------------------- Elaine Raybourn, Sandia National Laboratories Leonie Schäfer, EU Commission, DG Information Society Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Fraunhofer FIT Amanda Oldroyd, BT Broadband Applications Lab
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ----------------------- ECSCW'05 conference: http://insitu.lri.fr/ecscw/index.html Workshop "Computer Games & CSCW": http://fit-bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d36422094-1/*/CfP.htm
CONTACTS in the US / EUROPE --------------------------- Elaine Raybourn Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800 MS 1188 Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA Tel: +1 505 844 7975 Tel emraybo@sandia.gov
Uta Pankoke-Babatz Fraunhofer FIT Schloß Birlinghoven 53754 Sankt Augustin Germany uta.pankoke@fit.fraunhofer.de
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Lars Wolf