[Tccc] CALL FOR PAPERS: LOCAN, 14-16, Dec. 2009, China

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LOCAN 2009 The 5th International Workshop on Localized Communication and Topology Protocols for Ad hoc Networks http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~xuli/locan2009
In conjunction with MSN, 14-16, Dec. 2009 Wu Yi Mountain, China
Subject and Purpose of the Workshop -----------------------------------
This workshop covers comprehensively the algorithmic issues in the hot area of ad hoc and sensor networking. In particular, sensor networks are currently recognized as one of the priority research areas and research activities are booming recently.
The workshop scope includes network layer problems like data communication (routing, QoS-routing, geocasting, multicasting, broadcasting, etc.) and topology control (neighbor discovery, power adjustment, neighbor elimination, etc.). The main paradigm shift is to apply localized (or greedy) schemes as opposed to existing protocols requiring global information. Localized algorithms are distributed algorithms where simple local node behavior achieves a desired global objective. Localized protocols provide scalable solutions, that is, solutions for wireless networks with an arbitrary number of nodes, which is the main goal of this plan. Sensor and rooftop/mesh networks, for instance, have hundreds or thousands of nodes.
The objective of the workshop is to present state of the art research results on data communication and topology control in rapidly growing area of ad hoc and sensor networks, with emphasizes on localized techniques
Topics of Interest ------------------
We are seeking papers that describe original and unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of ad hoc networking. Possible topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Medium access control for ad hoc networks * Analytical, mobility and validation models for ad hoc networks * Hybrid networks and wireless Internet * Security in ad hoc networks * Data management, query processing, and data delivery in sensor networks * Unicast routing, multicasting, and broadcasting in ad hoc networks * Geocasting and anycasting in ad hoc networks * Energy-efficient and bandwidth-efficient protocols for ad hoc networks * Quality of service in medium access control and routing * Topology construction and maintenance in ad hoc networks * Neighborhood discovery and mobility management in ad hoc networks * Localized protocols for duty-cycled sensor networks * Auto-configuration and network formation protocols and algorithms * Relative positioning algorithms * Lower bounds on information exchange required for localized solutions * Network graph properties supporting localized protocols * Worst and average case analysis on the deviation from optimal solutions
Submissions -----------
Papers must not exceed 8 single-spaced and two-column pages using at least 10 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inches pages. See style files, author guidelines and instructions at the conference website. Accepted papers will be included in the MSN main proceedings and will be published by the IEEE Press and EI-indexed.
At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference in order for that paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation.
Authors are requested to submit their papers (PDF format) through EasyChair "http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=locan09". For submission-related questions, please contact program co-chairs.
Important Dates ---------------
Manuscript Submission: September 1, 2009 Acceptance Notification: October 1, 2009 Camera Ready Manuscript Due: October 15, 2009
General Co-Chairs -----------------
David Simplot-Ryl, Univ. Lille 1 and INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, France Ivan Stojmenovic, SITE, University of Ottawa, Canada
Program Co-Chairs -----------------
Nathalie Mitton, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, France Xu Li, SITE, University of Ottawa, Canada
Publicity Co-Chairs -----------------
Hannes Frey, University of Paderborn, Germany Guoliang Xing, Michigan State University, U.S.
participants (1)
Guoliang Xing