Fwd: WG: [I2CS 2012-PC] Extension of paper submission till March 5

Due to several requests we decided to extend the deadline for paper submission by two weeks till March 5.
12th International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems
Due to the rapid evolution of web technologies and rich mobile devices, ICT support for communities is possible on next quality level. Moreover, different types of applications are using the Internet as a large distributed system. So mobile users and pervasive systems pose new technological and organizational challenges. Trying to achieve this, we challenge new research questions in a wide range of connected fields. In search of innovative solutions, inter-disciplinary collaboration among researchers and industry partners is essential. Hence, the goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, experts, and practitioners from various areas related to novel Internet Community Systems.
The original deadline of February 20 still remains for abstract registration (strong recommendation) with EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i2cs2012 .
I2CS 2012 schedule ================== abstract registration 2012-02-20 paper submission 2012-03-05 author notification 2012-03-23 camera-ready copies 2012-04-09 early registration 2012-04-16 conference in Trondheim 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15
The I2CS 2012 conference web page http://www.i2cs-conference.org/
Best regards, Leendert W. M. Wienhofen (Chair), Gerald Eichler (Co-Chair), Anders Kofod-Petersen (Program Chair)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf