Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: Springer MONET Special Issue on Pervasive Healthcare

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: Springer MONET Special Issue on Pervasive Healthcare Datum: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 12:19:27 -0700 (PDT) Von: xu li easylix@yahoo.ca Antwort an: xu li easylix@yahoo.ca An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu, ahsntc-mailing-list@list.trlab.ca ahsntc-mailing-list@list.trlab.ca, tccn@COMSOC.ORG tccn@COMSOC.ORG
Call for Papers for Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Special Issue on “Wireless Technology for Pervasive Healthcare”
Since the start of this new century, the proportion of seniors has been increasing more rapidly than other age groups while the newborn rate is steadily decreasing. This global aging problem demands an increased focus on preparing pervasive healthcare systems and applications deployed around users and capable of remotely caring for them and improving their health and well-being anywhere anytime. These systems and applications require a sophisticated integration of microcircuit, medical sensing, and wireless and mobile technologies. They largely benefit users by decreasing the dependability on special caregivers and eventually reducing healthcare expenses through a more efficient use of healthcare resources and an earlier detection of life-threatening emergency situations. However, the realization of pervasive healthcare sets some additional critical requirements, e.g. realtimeness and fault-tolerance, and reliability, security and efficiency challenges compared with traditional hospital-based systems. Exploitation of Information and Communications Technologies as well as Networking and Sensors Technologies will enable cost-effective and efficient healthcare delivery, capable to deal with physical and logical mobility of patients and devices.
The focus of this call is on theory and applications of Wireless Technologies towards the definition of the Next Generation Pervasive Healthcare. Original, unpublished contributions are solicited. Possible topics of interest include, but are certainly not limited to the following: * Wireless body area networks for remote healthcare monitoring * Energy efficient sensing and communication for pervasive healthcare * Reliable and fault-tolerant communications in pervasive healthcare * Network protocols design and analysis for pervasive healthcare * Data management and resource sharing for pervasive healthcare * Mobile, social, context-aware computing for pervasive healthcare * Integration of different wireless technologies for pervasive healthcare * Remote diagnosis and patient management for pervasive healthcare * Distributed multimedia services for pervasive healthcare * Emergency detection and response for pervasive healthcare * Trust, security, privacy, and QoS provisioning for pervasive healthcare * System architectures, applications & prototypes for pervasive healthcare
DATES: Submission deadline: Sep. 15th, 2012 First round of review: Dec. 15th, 2012 Revision deadline: Feb. 15th , 2013 Author notification: Mar. 15th, 2013 Publication date: 2013
GUEST EDITORS: Giancarlo Fortino, Univ. Calabria, Italy (g.fortino@unical.it) Xu Li, Inria, France (xu.li@inria.fr) Xiaodong Lin, UOIT, Canada (xiaodong.lin@uoit.ca) Oscar Mayora, CREATE-NET, Italy (oscar.mayora@create-net.org) Enrico Natalizio, INRIA, France (enrico.natalizio@inria.fr) Mehmet Yuce, Monash Univ., Australia (mehmet.yuce@monash.edu)
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf