Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP MobiWac 2014

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP MobiWac 2014 Datum: Mon, 5 May 2014 10:54:57 +0200 Von: Antonio M. Ortiz antonio.ortiz_torres@IT-SUDPARIS.EU Antwort an: Antonio M. Ortiz antonio.ortiz_torres@IT-SUDPARIS.EU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
================================================================== The 12th ACM* International Symposium on Mobility Management
and Wireless Access (MobiWac 2014)
(in conjunction with the 17th ACM MSWiM)
September 21 - 26, 2014 Montreal, Canada
- Paper registration due: May 15, 2014 (11:59PM EST)
- Submission Deadline: May 20, 2014 (11:59PM EST)
*ACM sponsorship pending upon approval
The 12th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac 2014) will be held in conjunction with MSWiM 2014 (the 17th ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems) from September 21 to 26, 2014 at Montreal, Canada.
The MobiWac series of events are intended to provide an international forum for the discussion and presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by researchers, students, and systems developers on issues and challenges related to mobility management and wireless access protocols. To keep up with the technological developments, we also open up new areas such as mobile cloud computing starting from this year.
Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and practical results of significance on all aspects of wireless and mobile access technologies, with an emphasis on mobility management and wireless access. Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research. Submitted papers must neither have been published elsewhere nor currently be under review by another conference or journal.
TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to:
- Mobile Cloud Computing
- Wireless/Mobile Access Protocols
- Wireless/Mobile Web Access
- Wireless Internet and All-IP integration
- Next Generation Wireless systems
- Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
- Pervasive Communication and Computing
- Ubiquitous and mobile access
- Wireless Applications and testbeds
- Multi-Homing and Vertical Handoff
- Multi-Channel Multi-Radio MAC / network layer management
- Channels and resources allocation algorithms
- Energy and power management algorithms
- Multi-technology switching using Software Defined Radios
- Context-aware services and applications
- Context-aware protocols and protocol architectures
- Interactive applications
- Mobile database management
- Wireless Multimedia Protocols
- Mobile and Wireless Entertainment
- Mobile Info-services
- Social mobile networks
- Social mobile applications
- QoS management
- Mobility Control and Management
- Localization and tracking
- Mobile/Vehicular environment access
- Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
- Security,Trust management and Privacy issues
- Fault Tolerance solutions
- Wireless Systems' Design
- Analysis/Simulation of wireless mobile systems
- Testbeds for experimental and simulation analysis
General Chair
Wessam Ajib, UQAM Montreal, Canada
Program Chair
Ángel Cuevas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Technical Program Committee
Antonio A.F. Loureiro, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Michele Albano, CISTER, Portugal Chadi Assi, Concordia University, Canada Jalel Ben-othman, University of Paris 13, France Fernando Boavida, University of Coimbra, Portugal Azzedine Boukerche, University of Ottawa, Canada Juan Carlos Cano, Technical University of Valencia, Spain Yuh-Shyan Chen, National Taipei University, Taiwan Danny De Vleeschauwer, Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium Andrés García Saavedra, Hamilton Institute, Ireland Roch Glitho, Concordia University, Canada Chris G. Guy, University of Reading, UK Georg Hampel, Qualcomm, USA Charalampos Konstantopoulos, University of Piraeus, Greece Long Le, INRS, University of Quebec, Canada Yannick LeLouedec, Orange Labs, France Pierre Leone, University of Geneva, Switzerland Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks, Spain Paulo Mendes, SITI, University Lusofona, Portugal Sotiris Nikoletseas, University of Patras & Computer Technology Institute, Greece Antonio M. Ortiz, Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France Ai-Chun Pang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Grammati Pantziou, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, Greece Paul Patras, University of Edinburgh, UK Cristina M. Pinotti, University of Perugia, Italy Alicia Triviño, Universidad de Málaga, Spain Manuel Urueña, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Emmanouel Varvarigos, University of Patras & Computer Technology Institute, Greece Zainab Zaidi, National ICT Australia, Ltd, Australia
Web Chair
Gerson Rodríguez de los Santos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Publicity Chairs
Antonio M. Ortiz, Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom SudParis
Paper Submission, Publication and Important Dates:
High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the Symposium. The symposium will Have a single track for regular papers and in addition, a separate interwoven track with short papers / posters. Paper length must be no more than 10 pages, double column, ACM style including tables and figures. Note that the regular paper size will be 8 pages, with the possibility to obtain up to 2 additional pages (total 10 pages) by paying a publication fee. Only PDF format is accepted. All accepted papers will appear in the Symposium proceedings published by ACM press.
- Paper registration due: May 15, 2014 (11:59PM EST)
- Submission Deadline: May 20, 20114 (11:59PM EST)
FOR MORE INFORMATION about the conference, organizing committee, submission instructions, and venue please visit the conference website:
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf