Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Submission Deadline Extended - IEEE IoT Magazine \ CFP \ Blockchain-enabled Industrial Internet of Things: Advances, Applications and Challenges

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Mohamed Abdallah mabdalah@IEEE.ORG Gesendet: 1. November 2019 11:57:57 MEZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Submission Deadline Extended - IEEE IoT Magazine \ CFP \ Blockchain-enabled Industrial Internet of Things: Advances,Applications and Challenges
Dear Colleagues,
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CALL FOR ARTICLES – Internet of Things Magazine 2020
* Special Issue on Blockchain-enabled Industrial Internet of Things:*
* Advances, Applications, and Challenges*
*Importance of Topic:*
From the perspective of blockchain employment across the wide range of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) use-cases (*e.g.*, in
the food industry, cybersecurity, voting, music, real estate, healthcare, insurance, supply chain and logistics, energy and smart grid,
apparel, textile, and fashion industry, among others), there exist numerous operational and technical challenges that stand-in
the way of achieving absolute IIoT decentralization using blockchain, given the vast diversity of the IIoT application space.
Such technical challenges include but are not limited to risks and regulatory issues as well as other associated factors related to
processing, storage, communications, and availability. Additionally, issues of security, privacy, trust, and scalability must be considered.
*Scope of Special Issue and Call For Articles (CFA):*
The IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is soliciting high-quality manuscripts that:
*a*) describe in-depth and/or breadth real-world blockchain-based multi-disciplinary IIoT deployments.
*b*) present actual experiences in resolving contextual blockchain-related challenges
*c*) develop and share best practices, vision realizations and lessons learned in this integrated environment
*d*) establish guiding principles for technical, operational and business successes.
Articles should be general, independent of technical or business specialty, and intended to an audience consisting of all members
of the IoT community. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Providing insights into the exploitation of Blockchain as a provably lightweight, secure and consensus distributed security
solution for current IIoT applications with the objective of resolving centralization problems.
- Giving practitioners a preview of what to expect in terms of challenges associated with using blockchain-based services
(*e.g.* sharing, network monitoring, security, content distribution, provenance, etc) in IIoT environments and providing
them with information on how to efficiently resolve them.
- Discussions, exchanges of ideas and insights for both industry practitioners and academic researchers into the design
and development of complexity-minimal Consensus and Blockchain-based distributed protocols in IIoT
- Lessons-learned from best practices in blockchain-augmented IIoT deployments in different environments such as: - Augmenting blockchain-enabled IIoT with artificial intelligence for the purpose of intelligent decision making. - Assessing, comparing and understanding the performance of blockchain-enabled IIoT deployments with the
objective of early identifying possible vulnerabilities/breaches to avoid unwanted/unexpected chaotic incidents.
- Trading-off and understanding the difference between Public, Private and Consortium/Federated/Permissioned
- Tutorials on: - Human-computer interaction in IIoT blockchain-aware application development. - Data structuring, storage and management and security techniques for blockchain-enabled IIoT. - Decentralized database deployments for blockchain-enabled IIoT - Identity management for interconnecting things in IIoT; - Distributed software-defined networking control in blockchain-enabled IIoT; - Integration of blockchain in fog, edge and cellular networks for efficient, effective and reliable IIoT communications; - Leveraging the blockchain-enabled IIoT for social networking, decentralized autonomous organizations, energy, smart grid,
logistics, transportation, supply chain, monetization, e-business, notarization, e-government, healthcare, commerce, insurance,
finance, banking, education, learning, crowdsourcing, and crowdsensing applications.
*Important Dates:*
All submissions have to be prepared according to the Guide for Authors https://www.comsoc.org/publications/magazines/ieee-internet-things-magazine/author-guidelines and must be submitted via the Manuscript Central https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iotmag.
*Manuscript Submission Due: November 30, 2019.*
Manuscript Submission Due: 30 November 2019 Revision Notification Due: 15 January 2020 Acceptance Notification Due: 15 February 2020 Final Manuscript Due: 31 March 2020 Guest Editorial/Columns Due: 10 April 2020
Expected Publication of the Special Issue: June 2020*.*
*Guest Editors:*
Maurice J. Khabbaz, Notre-Dame University of Louaize, Lebanon
Sohail Jabbar, National Textile University, Pakistan
Mohamed Abdallah, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Octavia A. Dobre, Memorial University, Canada
Pin-Han Ho, University of Waterloo, Canada
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações, Brazil
Dr. Mohamed Abdallah Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs
Division of Information and Computing Technology
College of Science and Engineering
Hamad Bin Khalifa University
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
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Lars Wolf