Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for submissions MOWES Workshop@MobiCom 2023

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for submissions MOWES Workshop@MobiCom 2023 Datum: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 18:41:43 +0000 Von: Ashwin Ashok 0000001eb235cee5-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Antwort an: Ashwin Ashok aashok@GSU.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
** Call for Papers/Posters/Demos **
1st ACM MOBICOM Workshop on Mobile and Optical Wireless Experiments and Systems (MOWES) October 6, 2023 (half-day workshop) Madrid, Spain
** Scope and Motivation **
A key lesson from the decades of radio frequency (RF) wireless and networking research has been the need for development and experimentation on testbeds at different scales. The recently introduced NSF PAWR program is a testament to the continual need to build wireless testbeds at scale and evaluate wireless technologies to advance them to the next generation. The key drivers for advancing the legacy sub-6 GHz wireless technologies are extensive mobility-focused experiments and testbeds, e.g., channel characterization in realistic settings, mobility experiments at large scales, integration with existing infrastructure, and living-labs. Mobile wireless systems face new design challenges with the emergence of technologies utilizing bands beyond the legacy sub-6 GHz bands, such as visible light communication using solid-state lighting, infrared indoor or inter-satellite optical wireless communication, and mmWave phased array antennas. Experimental research to explore these new design challenges is crucial to advancing the state-of-the-art in mobile communication and networking, and a key requirement for advancing such wireless technologies is the ability to extensively test and validate the technology under different conditions. Mobile wireless systems can thrive and technology transfer to industry is possible only if the technology can past-muster extensive experimentation and testing.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to bring together researchers and design experts to share, discuss and brainstorm experimental and systems research ideas in mobile wireless and optical wireless communication and networking. The workshop aims to provide a launchpad for bold and visionary ideas for applications and systems research in this space. Areas of particular interest are experimental mobile wireless research across all applicable spectrum bands (acoustic/radio/optical) and hardware prototypes and testbed infrastructure in optical wireless communication and networking. The workshop solicits original contributions in, but not limited to, the following broad areas: - RF mobile wireless communication and networking - Acoustic mobile wireless communication and networking - UV/visible/IR optical wireless communication and networking - Metamaterials for mobile wireless communication and networking - TeraHertz communication communication and networking - Transmission and emission technologies - Reception technologies - Camera or visual communication - Machine learning for mobile wireless communication and networking - MEMS and semiconductors for mobile wireless communication and networking - Underwater communication and networking - Wireless experimentation research and/or teaching kits - Living-lab wireless experiments or testbeds - Wireless data collection efforts
Submissions from a wide spectrum of mobile wireless research, including acoustic, radio, UV/visible/IR, and TeraHertz, are encouraged. If your work is in the area of mobile wireless research with a strong focus on the systems aspects, such as hardware, software, teaching infrastructure/kits, testbeds, or data collection, then it is a great fit for MOWES. Any theoretical or experimental work related to optical wireless is in scope.
Workshop papers will be included with the conference proceedings and posted in the ACM Digital Library.
** Important Dates **
Paper Submission: 19 June, 2023 Notification: 1 August, 2023 Camera Ready: 11 August, 2023
** How to Submit **
Full paper, short paper, demo, and poster submissions are sought. Detailed formatting guidelines and access to the submission portal can be found in the Submission page: https://sites.google.com/view/mowes2023/cfp
Submission website: https://mowes23.hotcrp.com/
** Workshop Co-Chairs **
Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University, USA (aashok@gsu.edu) Murat Yuksel, University of Central Florida, USA (murat.yuksel@ucf.edu)
Ashwin Ashok Director of Mobile and Robotics Systems Experiential Research Lab (MORSE Studio) Associate Professor and Associate Graduate Director, Department of Computer Science & Affiliate in Neuroscience Georgia State University 25 Park Place NE, Suite 734 Atlanta, GA 30303 http://ashwinashok.comhttp://ashwinashok.com/ https://gsumeetings.webex.com/meet/aashok https://gsumeetings.webex.com/meet/aashok
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf