Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: HotCPS 2011, Dalian, China, July 9, 2011 (SCI indexed)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: HotCPS 2011, Dalian, China, July 9, 2011 (SCI indexed) Datum: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 21:50:11 +0800 Von: Feng XIA f.xia@ieee.org An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this call] [All accepted papers will be published in SCI-indexed journals]
HotCPS 2011: Workshop on Hot Topics in Cyber-Physical Systems http://cpschina.org/hotcps/ Dalian, China, July 9, 2011
We are currently on the brink of a revolutionary transformation from stand-alone embedded systems to ubiquitous cyber-physical systems (CPS) that bridge the virtual world of computing and communications and the real world. Cyber-physical systems are tight integrations of computation, networking, and physical objects. It is believed that CPS will transform how we interact with the physical world just like the Internet transformed how we interact with one another. Ubiquitous applications and services enabled by CPS are opening up great opportunities for improving the quality of our daily life. To fully explore the potential of CPS, however, significant challenges are yet to be overcome.
HotCPS is a forum for researchers and practitioners from the global Chinese community (but not restricted to) to present and discuss innovative ideas and results on hot topics in the rapidly emerging filed of CPS. HotCPS 2011 will be a highly selective and interactive workshop. Besides research paper presentations, the workshop will feature invited talks and interactive/panel discussions. The workshop will be held in Dalian, China on July 9, 2011. We particularly look for well-written papers containing novel work in the following topic areas:
- Control theory and techniques for CPS - Cyber-physical networks and software - Innovative applications and services enabled by CPS
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Paper submissions due: 25 March 2011 First decision notification: 25 April 2011 Submission of revised papers: 5 May 2011 Final decision notification: 15 May 2011 Registration due: 25 May 2011
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------- Authors are invited to submit original papers that MUST NOT have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. All submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and not exceed 25 pages in length. For detailed submission instructions, please visit the workshop website.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated for originality, significance of the contribution, technical correctness and presentation. There will be NO proceedings for the workshop. All accepted papers will be published in the following SCI-indexed journals: - Computer Science and Information Systems - Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE -------------------- Organizers/Co-Chairs Feng Xia, Dalian University of Technology, China Xiangjie Kong, Dalian University of Technology, China
Program Committee - See the workshop website.
CONTACT ------- Dr. Feng Xia Email: f.xia{at}ieee{dot}org; f.xia{at}acm{dot}org Tel: +86-411-87571582 URL: http://fengxia.net _______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf