[Fwd: [ICEC] CfP - Journal Virtual Reality - 'CVEs for Creative People']

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [ICEC] CfP - Journal Virtual Reality - 'CVEs for Creative People' Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:04:01 +0200 From: Leonie.SCHAEFER@cec.eu.int To: icec@listserver.tue.nl
Call for Papers **************************************************************** Journal Virtual Reality, Springer UK Special Issue "Collaborative Virtual Environments for Creative People"
Expression of interest: 16th December, 2005 Submission of full papers due: 24th February, 2006
Guest Editors: Leonie Schaefer, Steffi Beckhaus **************************************************************** Detailed information is available on the Journal - Special Issue website at: http://fit-bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/pub/bscw.cgi/36582660
"Collaborative Virtual Environments for Creative People"
Creative processes often are collaborative in nature, with a group of people reflecting on an overall theme, jointly contributing thoughts interactively, and ultimately generating new ideas. Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) to support this process, thus, should support the group, provide a creative atmosphere and comfortable environment, and support the seamless expression and visualization of ideas. This requires the environment to be inspiring, to enable a wide range of design options, to allow multiple and appropriate types of interaction, to provide for seamless interaction, advanced visualization technologies and simplified sharing mechanisms. Example application areas of such systems are the design and development of computer games, art, product design, fashion, digital storytelling environments, entertainment services, advertising, and architecture or urban planning. The aim of this special issue is to provide an overview of innovative and state-of-the-art research on Collaborative Environments in Virtual Reality which support the creative process. Paper contributions should discuss in general how to support creativity with collaborative tools and virtual environments.
Research questions cover a wide range of topics such as how to - allow participants with various professional backgrounds, working languages, and ways of expressing their ideas to collaborate with each other locally and over distance - allow for quick and efficient selection of options to express and visualize innovative ideas, going well beyond support for 2D drawings, text and voice - provide a non-technical, human-friendly and supportive work environment with the focus on creativity - support the design of multi-dimensional interactive applications - keep an overview on different activity lines in both the design and the use of multilevel, multi-dimensional applications
In addition, topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following areas: - Virtual Reality as a Collaborative Working Environment (local and distributed) - Group Management, Awareness, and Sharing Support in CVE’s - CVE’s for the Design and Development of Media-rich Applications - Advanced, Innovative Human-Computer Interfaces for CVE’s - Seamless Interaction with CVE’s including Mobile Devices - User-Centred Design, Human Factors
The special issue will appear in the Springer journal Virtual Reality (http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/10055/index.htm). Papers should typically be less than 8,000 words and of standard journal content: reports of original research, review papers, essays and discussions. Papers will be peer reviewed by a selected board of reviewers in accordance with the journal’s normal process. Prospective authors should indicate their intention to submit by 16th December, 2005, including a planned title for the submission, an abstract of 200-400 words, and names of authors. For instructions to authors please see: http://fit-bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/pub/bscw.cgi/36582660/
Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF formats by 24th February 2006. Please direct all submissions and correspondence to the guest editors.
Important Dates: Deadline for expression of interest: 16th December, 2005 Deadline for submission of full papers: 24th February, 2006
Guest Editors: Dr.-Ing. Leonie Schäfer EU Commission – DG Information Society – New Working Environments Email: leonie.schaefer@cec.eu.int
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffi Beckhaus Universität Hamburg, FB Informatik - interactive media/virtual environments Email: steffi.beckhaus@uni-hamburg.de
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf