[Fwd: [Tccc] IPSN'09 last CFP: Abstract due Oct. 15 and Paper due Oct. 22]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] IPSN'09 last CFP: Abstract due Oct. 15 and Paper due Oct. 22 Datum: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 09:01:15 PDT Von: Ying Zhang yzhang@parc.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
*sorry if you received multiple announcements*
Call for Papers IPSN'09 The 8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks April 13-16, 2009, San Francisco, USA http://ipsn.acm.org
Co-located with IEEE Real Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS '09) and International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC '09)
The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading, single-track, annual forum on sensor network research. IPSN brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent advances in both theoretical and experimental research. Its scope includes signal and image processing, information and coding theory, databases and information management, distributed algorithms, networks and protocols, wireless communications, machine learning, and embedded systems design.
The conference features two interleaved tracks, the Information Processing (IP) track, and the Sensor Platforms, Tools and Design Methods (SPOTS) track. The two tracks have separate program committees to evaluate their submissions. Authors should carefully review the intended foci of these two tracks to decide which track is better suited for their work, and they are encouraged to contact program chairs with questions or clarifications.
The Information Processing (IP) track focuses on algorithms, systems, theory for information processing using networks of embedded sensors. Topics covered in this track include, but are not limited to:
- Applications and deployment experiences - Coding, compression and information theory - Data processing, storage and management - Detection, classification, and tracking - Distributed algorithms and reasoning - Distributed and collaborative signal processing - Fault tolerance and identification - Fundamental bounds and formulations - Location, time, and other network services - Operating systems and runtime environments - Network health monitoring and management - Network protocols - Programming models and languages - Security - Sensor tasking, control, and actuation - Simulation
The Sensor Platforms, Tools, and Design Methods (SPOTS) track focuses on networked embedded sensor platforms and tools. Submissions are expected to refer to specific hardware, software, and implementations. The SPOTS track focuses on new architectures, modeling, evaluation, design methods, implementations, tools, or deployment experiences. Results focused on the analysis and processing aspects of data collected from deployments should be submitted to the IP track, while details on the platforms and tools used in the deployment should be submitted to SPOTS. Topics covered in the SPOTS track include, but are not limited to:
- Case studies that describe experiences, highlight challenges, and study/compare the performance of platforms and tools - Novel sensor network components, device platforms and architectures - Embedded software for sensor networks - Design tools and methodologies for sensor networks - System modeling, simulation, measurements, and analysis
-------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ---------
All papers must be submitted electronically, in Portable Document Format (PDF). Instructions for submission will be available at the IPSN'08 website: http://ipsn.acm.org/2008/ Submissions must meet the following criteria:
- A paper must be original material that has neither been previously published nor is currently under review by another conference or journal, and - Submitted papers should be no longer than 12 pages in ACM 10-point, two-column conference format.
The program committee of each track is independently responsible for reviewing its papers, and all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. Unlike previous IPSN conferences, all accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference. There will be a separate call for posters.
- Abstract Due: October 15, 2008 - Paper Due: October 22, 2008 - Conference: April 14-17 2009
------------- ORGANIZATION -------------
General Chair: Rajesh Gupta, UC San Diego IP Track Co-Chairs: Akos Ledeczi, Vanderbilt University Philip Levis, Stanford University SPOTS Track Co-Chairs: Peter Corke, CSIRO Koen Langendoen, TU Delft Posters: Andreas Terzis, Johns Hopkins University Jan Beutel, ETH Zurich Tutorials: Tian He, University of Minnesota Competition: Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia Finance: Jie Liu, Microsoft Research Publications: Jie Gao, SUNY Stonybrook Web: Wen Hu, CSIRO Publicity: Ying Zhang, PARC Local Arrangements: Hamid Aghajan, Stanford University Scott Brandt, UC Santa Cruz Branislav Kusy, Stanford University Steering Committee: Feng Zhao, Chair, Microsoft Research Tarek Abdelzaher, UIUC Deborah Estrin, UCLA Leo Guibas, Stanford P.R. Kumar, UIUC Sri Kumar, BAE Systems John Stankovic, UVA Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt
IP Track Co-Chairs: Akos Ledeczi, Vanderbilt University Philip Levis, Stanford University
SPOTS Track Co-Chairs: Peter Corke, CSIRO Koen Langendoen, TU Delft
IP Track Program Committee: Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Colorado State University Bela Bollobas, University of Memphis Nirupama Bulusu, Portland State University Ugur Cetintemel, Brown University David Culler, UC Berkeley Deborah Estrin, UCLA John Fisher, MIT Michael Gastpar, UC Berkeley Reza Ghanadan, BAE Systems Martin Haenggi, University of Notre Dame Tian He, University of Minnesota Wendi Heinzelman, University of Rochester Sanjay Jha, University of New South Wales Akos Ledeczi, Vanderbilt University Alexander Levis, George Mason University Philip Levis, Stanford University Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft Research Jose' M. F. Moura, Carnegie Mellon Suman Nath, Microsoft Research Lionel Ni, HKUST Songhwai Oh, UC Merced Kay Romer, ETH Zurich Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University Anna Scaglione, Cornell University Gyula Simon, University of Pannonia Cormac Sreenan, University College Cork Subhash Suri, UC Santa Barbara Andreas Terzis, Johns Hopkins University Tim Wark, CSIRO Australia Matt Welsh, Harvard University
SPOTS Track Program Committee: Andreas Andreou, Johns Hopkins University Jan Beutel, ETH Zurich Rachel Cardell-Oliver, U. Western Australia Peter Corke, CSIRO Australia Stefan Dulman, UTwente, Netherlands Adam Dunkels, Swedish Institute of Computer Science Ben Greenstein, Intel Research Ralph Kling, Crossbow Koen Langendoen, TU Delft Pedro Marron, University of Bonn Joe Polastre, Sentilla Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft Research Jochen Schiller, Freie Universitaet Berlin Mani Srivastava, UCLA Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia Feng Zhao, Microsoft Research
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf