[Fwd: [itst2005] ITST2005: Deadline for abstract submission]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [itst2005] ITST2005: Deadline for abstract submission Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:10:37 +0100 From: nobody@enst-bretagne.fr Reply-To: com-itst2005@bscw.enst-bretagne.fr To: com-itst2005@bscw.enst-bretagne.fr
*/ Deadline for the 2-page summary submission: /_15 February, 2005 _* ********************************************************************************************************* *ITST 2005 * *The 5th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications
* /" Telecommunications in a Futuristic Transport World" * in association with : IEEE, IEE, SEE, IEICE, IPSJ
*/ /Le Quartz/ Congress Center - Brest - FRANCE *27 - 28 - 29 June, 2005
http://conferences.enst-bretagne.fr/itst2005/ */ itst2005@enst-bretagne.fr* * /* ********************************************************************************************************* *Dear Colleague, You will find attached the Final Call for Papers of the 5th International Conference ITST 2005 on /Telecommunications in a Futuristic Transport World./
Please do not forget there are 2 weeks before the paper submission deadline so prospective authors are invited to submit a 2-page abstract on telecommunications and intelligent transport system applications before *February 15th, 2005*.
I*MPORTANT DATES: *Notification of Acceptance: *March 31st, 2005 *4-page Camera Ready Paper: *April 30th, 2005
*We also would be happy to receive proposals from industrialists, suppliers or laboratories for exhibitions and demonstrations. You will find more details about exhibitions on the web site: http://conferences.enst-bretagne.fr/itst2005/infoscongres/exhibition.en.php
We would appreciate if you could redirect this mail to anybody who you think would be interested. We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact: / itst2005@enst-bretagne.fr /or to have a look at the website: *http://conferences.enst-bretagne.fr/itst2005/ *_ _Sincerely On behalf the Organizing Committee Gabrielle Landrac and Yvon Le Roux
participants (1)
Lars Wolf