Fwd: [Tccc] CfP: 1st Annual Workshop on Multimedia Communications over Emerging Networks 2012 (MCEN’12)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CfP: 1st Annual Workshop on Multimedia Communications over Emerging Networks 2012 (MCEN’12) Datum: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:53:05 +0200 Von: Kurt Tutschku kurt.tutschku@univie.ac.at An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
1st Annual Workshop on Multimedia Communications over Emerging Networks 2012 (MCEN’12)
In conjunction with 9th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference 2012 in Las Vegas, USA, from 14 – 17 January 2012
The objective of this work shop is to provide a forum for researchers and application developers to exchange ideas, present results and share experience in various aspects of enhancing multimedia communication experiences in emerging networks.
Traditional topics of multimedia communication services like latency, privacy, fairness, transparency, security, manageability, provisioning, monitoring, and accounting may all have different measurements and meanings over emerging networks, such as broadband wireless networks, clouds, virtualized networks, tactical networks, delay tolerant networks, and Internet of things. What's the new measurement metrics, what's the new user expectations, what's the requirements we need to keep when performing traditional multimedia services over emerging networks, what kind of principles we need to hold on both client and server software to have better user experience of multimedia services. We need to answer all those questions to provide multimedia services over emerging networks to users. In addition, we also need to identify and develop new features and applications specifically for multimedia communications over emerging networks.
Authors are invited to submit original technical papers covering, but not limited to, the topics of interest listed below:
· Quality of Service (QoS) issues of multimedia services and applications over emerging networks · Quality of Experience (QoE) issues, such as latency, fairness, and transparency of multimedia services and applications in emerging networks · Security and privacy issues of multimedia services and applications in emerging networks · User Interface (UI)/Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)/User Experience (UX) of multimedia service and applications in emerging networks · Context-based communications over emerging networks · Customer relationship/feedback analysis of multimedia communication services over emerging networks · Manageability, provisioning, monitoring, and accounting of multimedia communication services over emerging networks · Novel multimedia communication services and applications over emerging networks · Signal processing for multimedia communications over emerging networks · IPTV over emerging networks · Sensor network technologies for multimedia communications · P2P communications over emerging networks
Important Dates
Paper Submission September 15, 2011
Acceptance Notification October 1, 2011
Camera-Ready Paper October 15, 2011
TPC Co-Chairs
Thomas Magedanz Technical University Berlin
Kurt Tutschku University of Vienna
Xiaotao Wu Avaya Labs Research
Publicity Chair
Carlos Becker Westphall Federal University of Santa
Organizing Chair
Yahya Al-Hazmi Technical University Berlin --- --- Prof. Dr. Kurt Tutschku Chair of Future Communication (Endowed by A1 Telekom Austria AG) Faculty of Computer Science University of Vienna
Postal Address: Universitaetsstrasse 10/T11, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Phone: +43 1 4277 39611 FAX: +43 1 4277 396 13 Mobile: +43 664 6027739611
E-Mail: kurt.tutschku@univie.ac.at WWW: http://www.cs.univie.ac.at/fc
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf