Elsevier Journal on Computer Networks, Special Issue on Middleware Challenges for Next Generation Networks and,Seamless Services

FYI: =======================================================
CALL FOR PAPERS - Elsevier Journal on Computer Networks Special Issue on Middleware Challenges for Next Generation Networks and Seamless Services
Content This special issue of Computer Networks is devoted to the research activities within industry and academia toward the identification of an efficient middleware for next generation networks and seamless services. Articles for this special issue will be solicited through an open call-for-papers in the field from industry and academia. Topics of interest include but not limited to:
* Middleware support for micro/macro/multi-domain mobility * Mobile Systems middleware * Middleware for fixed mobile convergence * Publish / subscribe middleware technologies * Mobile and intelligent agent middleware technologies * Peer 2 peer middleware concepts * Comparison and Interworking between Heterogeneous Middleware Technologies * Middleware for Programmable, Active and Adaptive Networks / Self-managing networks * Wireless Grids Middleware and Grid-enabled Networking Middleware * Performance evaluation and modeling in Mobile Middleware * Middleware support for cross-system and cross-layer optimization * Middleware security, including authentication and authorization * Emerging Information Models and Frameworks (i.e., MPEG-21)
Submissions Articles discussing in-depth research on architecture design, techniques, performance and security analysis, simulation results, and measurements for the above topics are solicited. Each submission should include a cover page with the title of paper, name and affiliation of all authors, name and contact address, fax, and email address of the corresponding author, a list of five key words, and a short abstract of maximum 200 words. Please send PDF (preferred) or Microsoft Word formatted papers to George Kormentzas (gkorm@aegean.gr) or Thomas Magedanz (magedanz@fokus.fhg.de) according to the following timetable. The cover page and the manuscript must be sent in separate files. Further guidance is given in the Notes for Authors at www.authors.elsevier.com. All papers will be reviewed by experts for technical merit, correctness, and relevance.
Full Manuscript Due 1 October 2006 Acceptance Notification 1 December 2006 Final Revised Manuscript 1 February 2007
Guest Editors: Professor George Kormentzas, University of the Aegean, Greece Professor Thomas Magedanz, TU Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Best Regards / Viele Gruesse
Thomas Magedanz (magedanz@fokus.fraunhofer.de) +++++++++ posted to acf-members by Mikhail Smirnov Mikhail.Smirnov@fokus.fraunhofer.de +++++++++
participants (1)
Xiaoyuan Gu