[Fwd: [tcgn] CFP: IEEE VTC Symposium on IP Mobility -- Deadline Extended to March 10]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [tcgn] CFP: IEEE VTC Symposium on IP Mobility -- Deadline Extended to March 10 Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 23:40:10 -0500 From: Muhammad Jaseemuddin jaseem@ee.ryerson.ca Reply-To: tcgn@majordomo.ieee.org Organization: Ryerson University To: tcgn@majordomo.ieee.org
Call for Papers - IP Mobility 2003 IEEE VTC Symposium on IP Mobility October 4-9, 2003 Orlando, FL, USA
in Conjunction with IEEE VTC Fall 2003 Submission Deadline Extended: March 10, 2003
Scope ===== Mobility support in IP network has been an area of active research and development. The impacts of mobility and wireless medium at all layers of Internet architecture have generated wide range of interest in the research community. IETF has been working on standardizing protocols for inter-domain and intra-domain mobility, context transfer, routing for network mobility and ad-hoc networks. This symposium is aimed at providing researchers and practitioners a forum for presenting their research at all layers of Internet architecture and sharing experiences. It will provide a unique opportunity to people from academia and industry to exchange their ideas on short-term and long-term research issues. The outcome of the symposium is expected to present a view on how close to reality is IP Mobility and set a direction for research to deal with emerging issues. The papers must discuss issues and solutions related to support for wireless medium and mobility in IP network. The symposium solicits papers related to but not limited to the following areas:
* Routing for host (e.g. terminals) and network (e.g. trains, buses) mobility, protocols and performance * New approaches to wide-area and local mobility * Quality of Service models, resource management, and provisioning * Traffic Engineering in mobile wireless IP access networks * Transport protocol design for mobile wireless networks * Security including security threat models, threat analysis and their impact on routing * Application level protocol design and performance * Mobile and wireless applications, their service requirements and performance * Content delivery support in IP network for mobile users * Multicasting for mobile wireless services * Emerging network architectures (e.g. multi-hop ad-hoc network, sensor network) * Internetworking of different network types (e.g. ad-hoc to cellular, wireless LAN to cellular) * Inter-vehicular network architecture * Mobile wireless IP access network deployment and management
Posters are also solicited on the projects related to **Support for Network Mobility**.
Submission Instructions ======================= Authors MUST submit an extended abstract (up to 2 pages) through the EDAS web site (http://www.edas.info/), together with a short abstract (approximately 150 words) in the EDAS web site form. Please note that the potential authors should create their own accounts in the EDAS web site (http://www.edas.info/) before submitting paper(s). Although either MS Word or PDF file format is acceptable when submitting the extended abstracts, it is strongly suggested that authors should submit papers using PDF format. The submission(s) should include complete contacting information of the author(s), such as the name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. All submitted papers are subject to peer review. Submissions can also be made using the links of call for technical papers in the conference web site: http://www.vtc2003.org/.
Important Dates Extended Abstract Due: March 10, 2003 Acceptance Notification: May 15, 2003 Camera Ready Copy of Full Paper Due: July 15, 2003 Symposium Date: October 4, 2003
Organization ============
Program Co-Chairs:
Muhammad Jaseemuddin (jaseem@ee.ryerson.ca) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ryerson University Toronto, Canada
Hongyi Li (hyli@nortelnetworks.com) Wireless Technology Lab Nortel Networks Ottawa, Canada
Publicity Co-Chair:
Junaid Zubairi (junaid.zubairi@fredonia.edu) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science SUNY at Fredonia Fredonia, NY, USA
Technical Program Committee =========================== * Ahmed Helmy (U of Southern California, USA) * Abdelsalam Helal (U of Florida, Gainesville, USA) * Alan O'Neill (Flarion Technologies, USA) * Behcet Sarikaya (Alcatel, USA) * Christophe Janneteau (Motorola, France) * Govindan Ravindran (Soma Networks, Canada) * Haseeb Akhtar (inCode Telecom group, USA) * Hany Elgebaly (Intel Corporation, USA) * Hesham Soliman (Ericsson, Sweden) * Lars Wolf (TU Braunschweig, Germany) * Michael Wolf (Daimler-Chrysler, Germany) * Raouf Boutaba (U of Waterloo, Canada) * Sajal Das (The U of Texas at Arlington, USA) * Samir R. Das (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA) * Thiery Ernst (Wide, Keio U, Japan) * Thomas Noel (U of Strasbourg, France) * Yasser Rasheed (Intel Corporation, USA)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf