Fwd: IPIN 2019 Call for Papers
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: IPIN 2019 Call for Papers Datum: Thu, 02 May 2019 17:58:16 +0200 Von: Francesco Potortì Potorti@isti.cnr.it Organisation: CNR-ISTI, via Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa, +39-0503153058 An: IPIN 2019 info@ipin2019.isti.cnr.it
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* * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * *
Tenth International Conference on INDOOR POSITIONING AND INDOOR NAVIGATION IPIN 2019 http://ipin2019.isti.cnr.it/
30 September - 3 October 2019, Pisa, Italy Technical co-sponsor IEEE
The tenth edition of the International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation and the sixth IPIN Competition are taking place in Pisa, Italy. Launched in 2010 in Zurich, Switzerland, IPIN is a unique event entirely dedicated to indoor localisation, its applications and its development.
Join the 400 expected industrial and academic experts in informatics, electronics and surveying to address this challenge. Discuss in person scientific and industrial matters, witness state-of-the-art systems and methods, participate in the uniquely challenging IPIN competition and enjoy the ancient town of Pisa and beautiful Tuscany.
IPIN solicits submission of high quality technical papers reporting original work not previously published, nor currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Papers are submitted as one of two types. Regular paper: limited to 8 IEEE format pages, for oral presentation. Work-in-Progress (WiP) paper: from 5 to 8 LNCS format pages, for poster or oral presentation
Paper submission instructions are found at http://ipin2019.isti.cnr.it. Papers undergo peer reviewing and, once accepted, are included in the conference proceedings by submitting WiP papers to CEUR-WS and regular papers to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Topics of interest include:
• User requirements • UI, indoor maps and 3D building models • Human motion monitoring and modelling • Robotics and UAV • Indoor navigation and tracking methods - AoA, TOF, TDOA based localisation - RSSI and magnetic fingerprinting - PDR, IMU and hybrid systems - UWB, ultrasound, optical systems - RFID, radar, device-free systems - Mapping, SLAM - Frameworks for hybrid positioning - Cooperative, machine learning systems • Seamless systems - HS-GNSS, indoor GNSS, pseudolites - RTK GNSS with handheld devices - Mitigating GNSS error switching to indoor - Industrial metrology & geodetic systems, iGPS • Self-contained sensors • Wearable and multi-sensor systems • Privacy and security for ILS • Location-based services and applications • Health and wellness applications • Benchmarking, assessment, evaluation, standards
The sixth IPIN Competition will take place the days before the conference in Pisa, in the Pisa CNR Area, following the traditional format with both on-site and off-site tracks.
The conference includes keynotes, tutorials and industry exhibitions.
We are at http://ipin2019.isti.cnr.it and on Twitter @ConferenceIpin
Important Dates ---------------------------------------- Paper submission: 10 May Notification of acceptance: 30 June Competition application: 12 July Camera-ready: 21 July ----------------------------------------
Organizing Committee --------------------
Conference chairs: Francesco Potortì — ISTI-CNR (IT) Valérie Renaudin — Ifsttar (FR)
TPC chairs: Paolo Barsocchi — ISTI-CNR (IT) Masanori Sugimoto — Hokkaido University (JP)
Publication chairs: Kyle O'Keefe — University of Calgary (CA) Filippo Palumbo — ISTI-CNR (IT)
Publicity chair: Masanori Sugimoto — Hokkaido University (JP)
Competition chairs: Francesco Potortì — ISTI-CNR (IT) Sangjoon Park — ETRI (KR)
Competition Track 1: Antonino Crivello, Filippo Palumbo — ISTI-CNR (IT) Track 2: Soyeon Lee ETRI (KR) Track 3: Joaquín Torres-Sospedra — University Jaume I (ES) Track 4: Miguel Ortiz — GEOLOC Team, Ifsttar (FR) Software: Michele Girolami — ISTI-CNR (IT)
Technical Program Committee: see http://ipin2019.isti.cnr.it/tpc
Steering Committee: Philippe Canalda — Université de Franche-Comté (FR) Binghao Li — University of New South Wales (AU) Rainer Mautz — Swiss Federal Railways (CH) Hideo Makino — Niigata University (JP) Adriano Moreira — University of Minho (PT) Kyle O'Keefe — University of Calgary (CA) Valérie Renaudin — Ifsttar (FR) Masanori Sugimoto — Hokkaido University (JP) Jesús Ureña — University of Alcalá (ES)
participants (1)
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