[Fwd: [iscc2005] IEEE ISCC 2005 cfp]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [iscc2005] IEEE ISCC 2005 cfp Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 17:41:44 +0200 From: Paolo Bellavista pbellavista@deis.unibo.it To: ISCC2005@lamu.ing.unibo.it
Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Invitation & Call-for-Papers _________________________________________________________________________
Call for Papers
The Tenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications
ISCC 2005
La Manga del Mar Menor, Cartagena, Spain June 27-30, 2005
( Web site for ISCC series: http://www.comsoc.org/iscc/ pdf version of the ISCC'05 cfp: http://www.comsoc.org/iscc/cfp_2005.pdf )
Continuing the tradition of this series of symposia, ISCC'05 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the areas listed below. This year, special focus will be on the challenging issues related to the creation, management, dissemination, and communication of information.
You are invited to submit a full paper, or a proposal for a panel, invited session, or tutorial, related to the following topics: - Access Networks - Agents, Mobile Agents, and Knowledge Base Technologies - Control and Optimization of Communication Systems - Congestion Control - Data Mining and Database Applications - Distributed Systems Architecture and Management - Digital Satellite Communications - E-Commerce and E-Services - Fault-Tolerant Computing and Error Recovery - Grid and Cluster Computing - Handoff and Mobility - High Performance Networking and Protocols - Internet Services and Applications - IPv6 - Real-time Communications Services (VoIP, Gaming, Video) - Economic, Legal, and Social Issues - Management of Telecommunications Services - Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks - Modeling and Simulation - MPLS, GMPLS - Multicast - Network Design, Optimization, and Management - Network Reliability and Quality of Service - Optical Networking - Overlay and Programmable Networks - Peer-to-Peer Computing - Real Time Communication Services (VoIP, Games, Video) - Routing - Security and Cryptography - Signal Processing in Communications and Networking - Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications - Web Services and XML
To submit a paper, please follow the submission guidelines at http://www.comsoc.org/iscc/2005. A modified version of best papers selected will be considered for publication in the Computer Communications Journal.
For additional information contact the Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Vicente Casares-Giner Poly Univ of Valencia, Spain mailto:vcasares@dcom.upv.esvcasares@dcom.upv.es Tel : +34 963 877 765 Fax: +34 963 877 309
Douglas Reeves North Carolina State Univ, USA mailto:reeves@eos.ncsu.edureeves@eos.ncsu.edu Tel: +1 919 515 2044 Fax: +1 919 513 7447 ________________________________________________________________
Important Dates: November 24, 2004 Paper submission deadline February 23, 2005 Notification of acceptance mailed to authors April 13, 2005 Final camera-ready manuscripts due ________________________________________________________________
GENERAL CO-CHAIRS Reda Ammar, Univ of Connecticut, USA Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia Lab, Italy
STEERING COMMITTEE Hussein Abdel Wahab, Old Dominion Univ, USA Reda Ammar, Univ of Connecticut, USA Antonio Corradi, Univ of Bologna, Italy Hussein Mouftah Univ of Ottawa, Canada Cathy Savolaine, AT&T, USA
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Sonia Aissa, Univ of Quebec, INRS, Canada Nail Akar, Bilkent Univ, Turkey Hussein Alnuweiri, Univ British Columbia, Canada Paul Amer, Univ of Delaware, USA Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Tech, USA Giuseppe Anastasi, Univ of Pisa, Italy Javier Aracil Rico, Univ of Navarra, Spain F. Casadevall Palacio, Poly Univ of Catalonia, Spain Rocky Chang, Poly Univ Hong Kong, Hong Kong Chi-Ming Chen , AT&T, USA Shigang Chen, Univ of Florida, USA Igor Curcio, Nokia, Finland Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Univ PMC, France Joubine Dustzadeh, AT&T, USA Jose Flich Cardo, Poly Univ of Valencia, Spain Joan Garcia-Haro, Poly Univ of Cartagena, Spain Jorge Garcia Vidal, Poly Univ of Catalonia, Spain Javier Gonzalez Castaño, Univ of Vigo, Spain Khaled Harfoush, North Carolina State Univ, USA Hossam Hassanein, Queens Univ, Canada V. Hernandez Garcia, Poly Univ Valencia, Spain John Hudson, Univ of Bath, UK Ezhan Karasan, Bilkent Univ, Turkey Stamatios Kartalopoulos, Oklahoma Univ, USA Heba Koraitim, Thales Univé Coopération, France Ibrahim Matta, Boston Univ, USA Madjid Merabti, Liverpool John Moores, UK K. Mori, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Sebnem Zorlu Ozer, Mesh Networks, USA Symeon Papavassiliou, NJ Inst Technology, USA Michal Pioro, Warsaw Univ Technology, Poland Andreas Pitsillides, Univ of Cyprus, Cyprus Antonio Puliafito, Univ of Messina, Italy S. Rajasekaran, Univ of Connecticut, USA Javier Rodriguez Fonollosa, Poly UPC, Spain Tarek Saadawi, City Univ of New York, USA Sartaj Sahni, Univ of Florida, USA Hussein Salama, Cisco Systems, USA M.Y. "Medy" Sanadidi, UCLA, USA Guenter Schaefer, Berlin Tech, Univ, Germany Dimitros Serpanos, Patras Univ, Greece Khaled Shuaib, UAE Univ, UAE Ivan Stojmenovic, Univ of Ottawa, Canada Timothy Strayer, BBN Tech Cambridge, USA Asser Tantawy, IBM, USA David Tipper, Univ of Pittsburgh, USA Samir Tohme, ENST-Paris, France Orazio Tomarchio, Univ of Catania, Italy Phuoc Tran-Gia, Univ of Wurzburg, Germany Umit Uyar, City Univ. of New York, USA Mateo Valero Cortes, Poly Univ of Catalonia, Spain Susane Wetzel, Stevens Inst of Technology, USA Abbas Yongacoglu, Univ of Ottawa, Canada Albert Zomaya, Univ of Sydney, Australia
FINANCE CHAIR Mostafa Hashem Sherif, AT&T, USA
REGISTRATION CHAIR Adel El-Maghraby, Univ of Louisville, USA
TUTORIAL CHAIR Jesus Carretero, Univ Carlos III Madrid, Spain
PUBLICATION CHAIR Miquel Soriano-Ibañez, Poly Univ of Catalonia, Spain
LOCAL COMMITTEE María D. Cano-Baños, Poly Univ of Cartagena Fernando Cerdan, Poly Univ of Cartagena Joan Garcia-Haro, Poly Univ of Cartagena (Chair) C. Lopez-Bravo, Poly Univ of Cartagena Jose M. Malgosa-Sanahuja, Poly Univ of Cartagena Pablo Pavon-Mariño, Poly Univ of Cartagena
PUBLICITY & WEB CHAIR Paolo Bellavista, Univ of Bologna, Italy
Ing. Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D. Research Associate in Computer Science Engineering DEIS-LIA - Università degli Studi di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY) Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073 Email: pbellavista@deis.unibo.it Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/
_______________________________________________ iscc2005 mailing list iscc2005@calvin.ing.unibo.it http://calvin.ing.unibo.it/mailman/listinfo/iscc2005
participants (1)
Lars Wolf