[Fwd: deadline for IWCMC 2006 extended to January 30, 2006]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: deadline for IWCMC 2006 extended to January 30, 2006 Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2006 23:07:46 -0500 From: Dr. Dapeng Oliver Wu wu@ece.ufl.edu Organization: ECE Dept., University of Florida To: multicomm@comsoc.org
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Dear Friends:
Due to many requests, we have extended the deadline for IWCMC 2006 for one LAST time to January 30, 2006. The following is the CFPs. I hope you will pass this to your friends, students and colleagues for their distribution and contributions. I urge everyone to PLEASE contribute and pass this call to your colleagues worldwide. If you or anyone you know is interested in organizing a workshop, a panel, or a special session, please feel free to contact me: mguizani@cs.wmich.edu or any of the organizing committee or Symposium organizers listed below. Conference website: http://www.iwcmc2006.cs.wmich.edu .
--Mohsen Guizani IWCMC 2006 General Chair
CALL FOR PAPERS AND PROPOSALS International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2006) Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, Canada July 3-6, 2006
IWCMC 2006 will be held in Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, Canada (http://www.sheratonwallcentre.com/), on 3-6 July 2006. The technical program will consist of a general symposium, nine specific symposia, Tutorials and Workshops. For the technical sessions, the IWCMC 2006 program committee is soliciting original papers describing state-of-the-art research and development in all areas of communications and networking. Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for oral presentations at IWCMC 2006 and publication in the Conference Proceeding. IWCMC 2006 is technically supported by 4 IEEE ComSoc Committees, ACM, and IEEE ComSoc Vancouver Chapter. For more information, please visit the conference web site at http://www.IWCMC2006.cs.wmich.edu. All papers should be submitted to http://edas.info/index.cgi. Proposals for Tutorials and Workshops are also invited. Scope of IWCMC 2006 includes, but is not limited to, the symposia topics listed below.
GENERAL SYMPOSIUM The General Symposium in IWCMC 2006 will include topics that are not covered under the individual symposia listed below. For further details, please contact the General Symposium Chair: Sherman Shen, University of Waterloo, Canada, xshen@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca, and Co-Chairs: Huaping Liu, Oregon State University, USA, hliu@eecs.oregonstate.edu, Jelena Misic, University of Manitoba, Canada, jmisic@cs.umanitoba.ca.
SPECIFIC SYMPOSIA In addition to the General symposium, IWCMC 2006 will feature other eleven separate symposia as listed below. For further information, please contact the co-chairs of the specific symposia of interest.
Computer and Network Security Co-Chairs: Xiaojiang (James) Du, North Dakota State University, USA, xdu@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu Yang Xiao, University of Memphis, USA, yangxiao@ieee.org Shigang Chen, University of Florida, USA, sgchen@cise.ufl.edu
Communication and Information Theory Co-Chairs: Hamid Sadjadpour, University of California-Santa Cruz, USA, hamid@soe.ucsc.edu Robert Ulman, Army research office, USA, robert.ulman@us.army.mil Farid Dowla: Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA, dowla1@llnl.gov Brian Sadler: Army research Laboratory, USA, bsadler@arl.army.mil
Cross-Layer Designs and Protocols Co-Chairs: Xi Zhang, Texas A&M University, USA, xizhang@ee.tamu.edu Weihua Zhuang, University of Waterloo, Canada, wzhuang@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea, schoi@snu.ac.kr
Multimedia over Wireless Co-Chairs: Haohong Wang, Qualcomm, USA, haohongw@qualcomm.com Pascal Frossard, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland, pascal.frossard@epfl.ch Chingyao Huang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, cyhuang@faculty.nctu.edu.tw Z. Jane Wang, University of British Columbia, Canada, zjanew@ece.ubc.ca
Mobile Computing Co-Chairs: Jie Li, Tsukuba University, Japan, lijie@cs.tsukuba.ac.jp Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong, jia@cs.cityu.edu.hk Zhenqiang Sun, China TeleCom, sunzhq@ctbri.com.cn Han-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, Taiwan, hcc@mail.niu.edu.tw
Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Co-Chairs: Yang Yang, University College London, UK, y.yang@ee.ucl.ac.uk Mischa Dohler, France Telecom, France, mischa.dohler@francetelecom.com Jiang-Chuan Liu, Simon Fraser University, Canada, jcliu@cs.sfu.ca Rohit Nabar, Marvell Semiconductor, USA, rnabar@marvell.com Qian Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, qianzh@cs.ust.hk
Next Generation Mobile Networks Co-Chairs: Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada, vleung@ece.ubc.ca Ekram Hossain, University of Manitoba, Canada, ekram@ee.umanitoba.ca Javan Erfanian, Bell Canada, javan.erfanian@bell.ca
Wireless LANs and Wireless PANs (Wireless Networking) Co-Chairs: Ehab Elmallah, University of Alberta, Canada, ehab@cs.ualberta.ca Yang Xiao, University of Memphis, USA, yangxiao@ieee.org
MIMO Systems Co-Chairs: Li-Chun Wang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, lichun@cc.nctu.edu.tw Andreas F. Molisch, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA/Lund University, Sweden, Andreas.Molisch@ieee.org Weifeng Su, State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, USA, weifeng@eng.buffalo.edu Lutz Lampe, The University of British Columbia, Canada, lampe@ece.ubc.ca Ralf R. Muller, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NORWAY, mueller@iet.ntnu.no
Sensor and Wireless Resource Management Chair, Kazem Sohraby, University of Arkansas, USA, sohraby@uark.edu Co-Chairs: Taieb Znati, University of Pittsburgh, USA, znati@cs.pitt.edu Keping Long, Chong Qing Univ. of Posts and Telecom., China, longkp@cqupt.edu.cn Chonggang Wang, University of Arkansas, USA, cgwang@uark.edu
Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks Co-Chairs: Hongyi Wu, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, wu@cacs.louisiana.edu Dipak Ghosal, University of California--Davis, USA, ghosal@cs.ucdavis.edu
TUTORIALS AND WORKSHOPS Proposals are invited for half or full-day tutorials and workshops in communication and networking topics. Tutorial proposals must be submitted to the Tutorials Chair: Daniel Wong (dwong@research.telcordia.com), Telcordia Technologies, USA. Workshop proposals should be submitted to Workshop Co-Chairs: Song Ci (sci@cs.umb.edu), University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, Sghaier Guizani (guizans@umoncton.ca), Universite de Quebec a Trois-Rivieres et Universite de Moncton, Canada.
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission Deadline: January 30, 2006 (Firm Deadline) Paper Acceptance Notification: April 15, 2006 Camera-ready Paper Submissions: May 30, 2006 Tutorial/Workshop Proposal Due: December 15, 2005
CONTACTS General Chair: Mohsen Guizani, Western Michigan University, USA, mguizani@cs.wmich.edu General Co-Chairs: Hsiao-Hwa Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, hshwchen@ieee.org Mamoru Sawahashi, NTT DoCoMo Inc., Japan, sawahasi@mlab.yrp.nttdocomo.co.jp TPC Co-Chairs: Jie Li, Tsukuba University, Japan, lijie@cs.tsukuba.ac.jp Xi Zhang, Texas A&M University, USA, xizhang@ee.tamu.edu Financial Chair: Eun K. Park, University of Missouri at Kansas City, USA, ekpark@umkc.edu Local Chair: Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada, vleung@ece.ubc.ca Industrial Liaison Chair: Sherman Shen, University of Waterloo, Canada, xshen@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca Publicity Chair: Dapeng Oliver Wu, University of Florida, USA, wu@ece.ufl.edu
participants (1)
Lars Wolf