[Fwd: [Tccc] WCMC SI all for Papers: Wireless Monitoring and Control]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] WCMC SI all for Papers: Wireless Monitoring and Control Datum: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 21:16:08 +0800 Von: Prof. Jiming Chen jmchen@ieee.org An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu Referenzen: 146563590807102359w57bf29ffgf3b6087eabece36e@mail.gmail.com
WCMC SI all for Papers Call for Papers: Wireless Monitoring and Control
10.1002/wcm.641 About DOIhttp://www3.interscience.wiley.com/doiinfo.html
Article Text
The rapid development of wireless technology plays extremely important roles in monitoring and control related applications nowadays. This special issue aims at bringing together state-of-the-art contributions of wireless monitoring, control, actuator coordination as well as their co-designs.
In recent years, the demand for wireless communications in many monitoring and control applications has grown tremendously, such as military, aerospace, industrial, commercial, environmental, and health monitoring, etc. Some new technologies like Zigbee, Wi-Fi, Mobile Robots, and Bluetooth have already made significant contribution to data acquisition. As the same time, they arise some new challenges to guarantee a highly reliable, accurate, and fault-tolerant process. It is a critical issue to develop innovative approaches to deal with multi-variable, multi-space problem domains (detection, identification, tracking, data fusion, energy-efficiency, and fault-tolerant framework) as well as practical implementation in wireless monitoring and control application.
The purpose of the special issue is to focus on the novel ways by which monitoring, detection, identification, coordination and control schemes are applied in wireless monitoring and control applications. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Emerging wireless technology for monitoring and control; Data fusion in monitoring and control; Cooperative signal and information processing in wireless monitoring and control; Fault (Event)-detection, identification and tracking; Network coverage algorithm for wireless monitoring; Power and topology control in wireless networks; Closed-loop framework for wireless monitoring and control; Protocols for wireless monitoring, coordination and control; Integration of monitoring and control for wireless networks; Controller design for wireless monitoring network based system. Developments and novel applications for wireless monitoring and control; Mobile Robots for monitoring and control etc.
If the file is larger than 1MB, the authors are encouraged to use WINZIP. Detailed instructions to authors can be found in: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jabout/76507157/ForAuthors.html .
*Submission Details*
Only original and unpublished research papers will be considered for this Special Issue. If the paper has been published at a conference, the submitted journal version should be significantly extended. In this case, authors should submit a short summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version. The manuscripts must be prepared in English. See instructions on the preparation and submission of manuscripts at the journal's website: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/wirelesscomms
The journal version must be submitted via the online submission system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/wcm
Please ensure you correctly select/enter the following details:
Manuscript Type: *Special Issue Paper*
Special Issue: *Yes*
Special Issue Information: *Wireless Monitoring and Control*
Each submission must be accompanied by the following information: a short abstract; a complete list of authors and their affiliations; a contact person for correspondence; postal and e-mail addresses of the Authors.
*Important Dates*
Submission deadline: 1st December 2008 Notification of acceptance: 1stMarch 2009 Submission of final version: 15th April 2009
*Guest Editors*
*Yang Xiao*, The University of Alabama, USA *Youxian Sun*, Zhejiang University, China E-mail: yangxiao@ieee.org E-mail: yxsun@iipc.zju.edu.cn *Julia Deng*, Intelligent Automation, Inc., USA *Jiming Chen*, Zhejiang University, China E-mail: hdeng@i-a-i.com E-mail: jmchen@ieee.org
Dr. Jiming Chen, Associate Professor Dept. of Control, Zhejiang University Zheda Road 38#, Hangzhou, P.R.China, 310027 Phone: (86) 571-87953762 Fax: (86) 571-87951879 Email: jmchen@ieee.org http://www.sensornet.cn/ ===============
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Lars Wolf