[Fwd: [Tccc] First International Workshop on "Wireless mesh: moving towards applications" (WiMeshNets 2006)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] First International Workshop on "Wireless mesh: moving towards applications" (WiMeshNets 2006) Datum: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 12:15:28 +0200 Von: Nicola Scalabrino nicola.scalabrino@iit.cnr.it An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu, manet@ietf.org, sigmobile-l@acm.uiuc.edu
WiMeshNets 2006 (http://wimeshnets.org)
First International Workshop on "Wireless mesh: moving towards applications" (Co-located with QShine 2006, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) August 10, 2006
Recent advances in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) provide promising opportunities in communication paradigms. WMNs do not depend on wired communication infrastructure and their mesh connectivity provides inherent built-in redundancy. This makes them also good candidates for providing an alternative communication mechanism in the face of disasters when normal communication infrastructure is destroyed. WMNs build upon multi-hop forwarding of data packets from access nodes towards gateways to the fixed network and thus share many properties of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. So far almost all existing research effort related to Mobile Ad Hoc networks has been based mostly on the assumptions that the nodes are highly mobile and are mainly battery operated. Thus, most of the protocols and mechanisms try to conserve energy and cope with frequent topology changes. In WMNs these assumptions can be relaxed which enables the design of new protocols and services for WMNs. Supporting any application over wireless mesh networks is however a challenging task due to the multi-hop forwarding of packets which also limits the scalability of WMNs. Nevertheless, WMNs have promising commercial potential as they are supposed to provide cheap wireless network coverage and access. Towards this aim the traditional approaches to routing and to service provisioning should be reconsidered taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of WMNs and those of new and emerging applications. This could pave the way to the assessment of this technology which is expected to conquer new markets in the next few years by taking advantage of the growth of heterogeneous networks. Authors are invited to submit original full papers not currently under review by other conferences on any aspect of “Wireless mesh: moving towards applications”. Contributions describing theoretical research, protocol design, experiments and measurements, commercial deployments, business models, or position/vision statements are all encouraged. Descriptions of work in progress, test trials, and future work plans are highly appreciated. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Architectures for Wireless Mesh Networks • Middleware support in Wireless Mesh Networks • Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks • Fairness Issues for Wireless Mesh Networks • Multicasting and Broadcasting issues in Wireless Mesh Networks • Security and Intrusion Detection for Wireless Mesh Networks • Handoff and mobility management in Wireless Mesh Networks • System prototypes and experimental evaluation of Wireless Mesh Networks • Scheduling and Queuing mechanisms to provide QoS in Wireless Mesh Networks • Gaming applications over Wireless Mesh Networks • Service level agreement and mesh organization • Modeling and Performance Evaluation • Seamless internetworking with other type of networks (like sensor networks) • Cross Layer Design and Interactions in Wireless Mesh Networks • Transport Layer Protocols over Wireless Mesh Networks • Deployment and configuration management • Voice and Video over Wireless Mesh Networks • Traffic Modeling • Mesh Networking Proposal Standards for IEEE 802(R) Wireless Lans • Authentication, Charging and Cooperation for Wireless Mesh Networks
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent experts in the field. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the same manner as those of QShine, and will be available from the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers will be required to register in order for the paper to appear in the workshop proceedings.
Important dates Full paper manuscript due: May 12, 2006 Midnight US EST Acceptance Notification: June 13, 2006 Camera ready manuscripts due: June 30, 2006 Workshop date: August 10, 2006
Submission Instructions
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a PDF version of the full paper in English language. Papers are limited to 5 two-column pages, in a font no smaller than 10-points, IEEE conference proceedings format. Papers should be submitted to the respective symposium through COCUS systems at http://cocus.create-net.it/cocus/welcome.do. Authors of accepted papers are required to register at regular registration rates in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings.
Organizing Committee
Workshop Chair: Giovanni Iacovoni, CreateNet, Italy (giovanni.iacovoni@create-net.it) Technical Program Committee Chair: Andreas J. Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden (kassler@ieee.org) Publicity Chair: Nicola Scalabrino, CreateNet, Italy (nicola.scalabrino@create-net.it)
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf