Fwd: Elsevier PMC: SI on Socially-inspired Mechanisms for Future Mobility Services (2nd call)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Elsevier PMC: SI on Socially-inspired Mechanisms for Future Mobility Services (2nd call) Datum: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 15:35:38 +0200 Von: respond@pervasive.jku.at Antwort an: respond@pervasive.jku.at An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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2nd Call for Papers SPECIAL ISSUE OF PERVASIVE AND MOBILE COMPUTING The Social Car: Socially-inspired Mechanisms for Future Mobility Services Submissions due: July 31, 2013 *************************************************************************
In the long tradition of driver-vehicle interaction, information systems have been socially ignorant ? they have not accounted for the fact that drivers? (humans?) emote all the time and decisions are always socially inspired. The next-generation automotive interfaces need to include the essence of social intelligence to become more effective and safer. Researchers have recently started to think about the topic of socially inspired cars and, in our comprehension, a broader discussion on the benefits and consequences of socializing cars is very likely to start in the near time. The central objective of this special issue is to provoke an active debate on the adequacy of the concept of socializing cars and the topic addressed by this special issue raises elementary questions including who can communicate what, when, how, and why? To tackle these questions we would like to invite researchers to take part in an in-depth discussion of this timely, relevant, and important field of investigation.
Potential topics of interest for this SI include, but are not limited to:
* Modeling techniques for handling social interaction behavior, including traffic superorganism, pheromones, stigmergic behavior
* Implementation of agents/robots for improving socially-inspired communication
* The subject of social-inspired vehicle-to-vehicle communications
* Network issues and protocols for social cars
* Crowdsourcing concepts to improve transport (driving as a "collabo- ration" of different entities)
* Authentication, privacy, safety, or security issues related to social car services
* Relevant parameters to describe social status or behaviors of a driver or car and plausible types of information in in-vehicle social services
* Potentials of socially inspired car-car communication and benefit assessment (why should cars or drivers disclose their social status or social relationships?)
* Social norm in the automotive domain
* Cultural differences evident in-vehicle social services
* Polarization issues between supporters and opponents
* Novel applications and services enabled by social cars
* Case studies
* Visionary perspectives
Submission Guidelines --------------------- All submissions have to be prepared according to the "Guide for Authors" as published in the Journal website at http://www.ees.elsevier.com/pmc/. - Submissions due: July 31, 2013 - Publication expected for 2014
Guest Editors of the Special Issue ---------------------------------- - Andreas Riener, Dept. of Pervasive Computing, University of Linz, Austria; Phone: +43 732 2468 ? 4473; Email: riener@pervasive.jku.at
- Myounghoon Jeon, Department of Cognitive & Learning Sciences, Michigan Tech, USA; Email: mjeon@mtu.edu
- Ignacio Alvarez, IT Manager for Connected Drive & Innovations, BMW Group, Beijing, China; Email: ignacioalvmar@gmail.com
- Franco Zambonelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy; Email: franco.zambonelli@unimore.it
For detailed information visit: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/PMCSocialCar/ or http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/15741192
participants (1)
Lars Wolf