[Fwd: ICST - WEEDEV 2009, Paper Submission Due Dec. 15, 2008]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: ICST - WEEDEV 2009, Paper Submission Due Dec. 15, 2008 Datum: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 18:12:03 -0500 Von: info@icstconferences.org Antwort an: info@icst.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
2nd Workshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular networks (WEEDEV 2009) April 6, 2009, Washington DC, USA (in conjunction with TRIDENTCOM 2009)
The 2nd Workshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular networks (WEEDEV 2009) http://www.weedev.org/ will be held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2009), on April 6th ~ 8th, 2009, in Washington DC, USA. http://www.tridentcom.org/. WEEDEV 2009 focuses on experimental and deployment experiences in vehicular networks.
Nowadays, vehicular networks technology is entering a critical phase where academia, industry and governments worldwide are investing significant time and resources on the large-scale deployment of these networks so that their benefits in the road safety and improvement of traffic flow could be leveraged. Still, a number of technical challenges need to be resolved in order that these networks could be widely deployed and used in our daily life. This motivates the need for real tests, field trials, and experimental evaluations for the different technological solutions and aspects in such networks.
This workshop aims to present and discuss the recent advances and experimental evaluation in the development of vehicular networks and ITS application, and to disseminate the most advanced ideas and solutions in the field.
Submitted papers should have practical evaluation and/or deployment experiences as their main subject or they should use experiments to validate their modeling/analysis results.
************ Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) * Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) for ITS * Heterogeneous wireless technologies in vehicular networks * Mobility management in vehicular networks * Ad hoc and mesh routing for vehicular networks * IP Address configuration for vehicular networks * Security in vehicular communication (authentication, access control, confidentiality, services' authorization, ..) * QoS in vehicular networks * Geolocalisation * Sensor networks and technologies for vehicular networks * Smart antenna in vehicular networks * Digital maps and location technologies * Data collection and cooperation between vehicles
Accepted papers will be included in the TridentCom09 conference proceedings and the IEEE Xplore digital library and will be indexed by EI. Best papers of the workshop will be considered for further publication in a forthcoming Special issue (4th quarter 2009) of the International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology. https://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=144
************ Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: December 15, 2008. Papers Notification: January 15, 2009. Submission of Camera-ready papers: February 15, 2009. Workshop date: April 6th 2009.
Submitted papers must be no longer than 8 double-column pages, including references, figures and tables, formatted according to the IEEE 8.5" x 11" proceedings format.
General Chair: Dr. Hassnaa Moustafa, France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs) - France E-mail: hassnaa.moustafa@orange-ftgroup.com
TPC Chair: Dr. Carlos J. Bernardos, University of Carlos III in Madrid (UC3M) - Spain E-mail: cjbc@it.uc3m.es
Technical Program Committee: Fernando Boavida, University of Coimbra - Portugal Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory - Norway Maria Calderon, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Spain Carlos J. Bernardos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Spain Hassnaa Moustafa, Orange Labs - France Sherali Zeadally, University of the District of Columbia - USA Thierry Ernst, INRIA - France Xiuzhen (Susan) Cheng, The George Washington University - USA Roberto Baldessari, NEC Laboratories Europe - Germany Carolina Pinart, Telefónica I+D - Spain Andreas Festag, NEC Laboratories Europe - Germany Massimiliano Lenardi, Hitachi Europe - France Manuel Fernandez Veiga, Universidad de Vigo - Spain Ignacio Soto, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Spain Nader Moayeri, National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) - USA Sidi-Mohamed Senouci, Orange Labs - France Weidong Xiang, University of Michigan - USA Tamer Nadeem, Siemens Research Corporate - USA Wassim Haddad, Qualcomm - USA Pablo Vidales, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories - Germany Yi Qian, National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST)- USA Houda Labiod, Telecom ParisTech - France
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf