[Fwd: [Tccc] SenSys2003-CFP]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] SenSys2003-CFP Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:33:06 -0800 From: erdal@itu cayirci@cs.itu.edu.tr To: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems SenSys 2003 http://www.cens.ucla.edu/sensys03/ November 5-7, 2003, Los Angeles, California, USA
Sponsored by: ACM (Sigcomm, Sigmobile, Sigarch, Sigmetrics, Sigops), and NSF
SenSys 2003 introduces a high caliber forum for research on systems issues in the emerging area of embedded, networked sensors. These distributed systems of numerous smart sensors and actuators connecting computational capabilities to the physical world have the potential to revolutionize a wide array of application areas by providing an unprecedented density and fidelity of instrumentation. They also present a host of novel systems challenges because of resource constraints, uncertainty, irregularity, and scale. SenSys design issues cut across multiple fields, including wireless communication, networking, operating systems, architecture, low-power circuits, distributed algorithms, data processing, scheduling, sensors, energy harvesting, and signal processing, so a holistic approach is required. SenSys seeks to provide a cross-disciplinary venue for researchers addressing the rich space of networked sensor system design issues to interact and exchange recent results. It is the first of a planned series of annual meetings with a single-track technical program and a hands-on research exhibition. This inaugural 2003 conference shall take place in Los Angeles, CA.
Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research are solicited. In general this conference is interested in papers that address system issues in embedded networked systems. Specific topics of interest include the following:
* Network protocols for sensor networks * Operating system and middleware for sensor networks * Distributed database processing in sensor networks * Distributed algorithms for sensor networks * Novel sensor node hardware and software platforms * Sensor network planning and deployment * Energy management in sensor networks * Adaptive topology management * In-network processing and aggregation * Data storage in sensor networks * Distributed and collaborative signal processing * Distributed Actuation, Control, and Coordination * Localization in time and space * Distributed calibration in sensor networks * Simulation and optimization tools * Applications of distributed sensor networks * Security and Robustness in sensor networks * Sensor network testbed measurements and benchmarks
Please consult the program chairs at sensys03-pcchairs@cens.ucla.edu mailto:sensys03-pcchairs@cens.ucla.edu if you are uncertain whether your paper is in the scope of the conference.
All submissions will be handled electronically and must be in PDF or PostScript file format. Papers must not exceed 15 pages (US "Letter" size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references in single-column, single-space format. The font size must be at least 10 points. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. We will adopt a double-blind process for paper review, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Authors' names and their affiliations must not be revealed or mentioned anywhere in the paper or in the postscript or PDF file. Submitted papers should be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected. To submit a paper, please refer to the paper submission link at the conference website, http://www.cens.ucla.edu/sensys03. Questions about the submission process should be directed to the Program Co-Chairs at <sensys03-pcchairs@cens.ucla.edu mailto:sensys03-pcchairs@cens.ucla.edu>. Selected papers from the conference will be forwarded for fast-track publication as journal papers in ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking and ACM/Kluwer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET).
There will be a research exhibition and poster session. Details will be provided in the final Call for Papers.
Paper Registration & Abstract: April 1, 2003 Paper Submission Deadline: April 8, 2003 Notification of Acceptance: June 27, 2003 Camera Ready Copy: August 1, 2003
General Co-Chairs: Ian Akyildiz (Georgia Tech.) Deborah Estrin (UCLA) Program Co-Chairs: David Culler (UC Berkeley) Mani Srivastava (UCLA) Demos & Exhibits Co-chairs: John Heidemann (USC/ISI) Fabio Silva (USC/ISI) Publicity Co-chairs: Erdal Cayirci (ITU) Lynette Millett (NRC) Student Posters Co-chairs: Bhaskar Krishnamachari (USC) Sylvia Ratnasamy (Intel) Finance Chair: David Jaquez (UCLA) Local Arrangements Chair: Bernie Dempsey (UCLA) Registration Chair: Suresh Singh (Portland State) Sponsorship Chair: Rajesh Gupta (UCSD) Student Travel Awards: R. Sivakumar (Georgia Tech.) Submission Process Chair: Dirk Grunwald (U. Colorado)
A. Arora (Ohio State U.) H. Bakakrishnan (MIT) P. Bonnet (U. Copenhagen) L. Clare (JPL) C. Enz (EPFL) R. Govindan (USC) J. Hellerstein (UC Berkeley) L. Krishnamurthy (Intel) R. Martin (Rutgers) M. Martonosi (Princeton) A. Perrig (CMU) S. Servetto (Conell) M. Smith (HP) J. Stankovic (U. Virginia) G. Sukhatme (USC) M. Vetterli (EPFL) F. Zhao (PARC)
Ian Akyildiz (Georgia Tech., Co-chair), Victor Bahl (Microsoft, Sigmobile Representative), Deborah Estrin (UCLA, Co-chair), Craig Partridge (BBN, Sigcomm Representative), and Taieb Znati (NSF)
Please visit the SenSys 2003 Home Page at http://www.cens.ucla.edu/sensys03/, or send email to sensys03@cens.ucla.edu mailto:sensys03@cens.ucla.edu for more information about the conference.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf