Fwd: [Tccc] The 6th International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WTA 2010)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] The 6th International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WTA 2010) Datum: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 04:16:08 -0700 Von: Habib M. Ammari Habib.M.Ammari@hofstra.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
WTA 2010 CFP =========================================================== The 6th International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WTA 2010)
Gwangju, Korea, December 9-11, 2010 ===========================================================
Overview =========== The 6th International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WTA 2010) will be held in Gwangju, Korea, December 9-11, 2010.
Smart Spaces (SS) represents an advanced communication environment featuring daily-life objects that continuously involve and are focused on final non-expert users. SS has rapidly emerged as an exciting new paradigm that tends to include different active research fields such as ubiquitous, grid, and P2P computing. SS environments have recently raised tremendous interests in both the academic and the industrial research communities as one of the most promising application fields for pervasive computing services. The WTA 2010 aims to address system and network issues for SS communications. It will solicit both original research papers and review articles that enhance the state-of-the-art in these fields, including topics like effective context extraction and representation, context-based service discovery, context-based service composition, integration of legacy systems and services, security theory, business models, and novel applications that are associated with SS utilization. The papers will be peer reviewed by at least three independent reviewers and will be selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the theme of this conference.
FutureTech 2010 is the next event in a series of highly successful symposium on wireless sensor network technologies and applications for SS (WTA), previously held as SH-10 (Busan, Korea, May 2010), SH-09 (Toronto, Canada, July 2009), SH-08 (Hainan, China, Dec. 2008), SH-07 (Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2007), IWSH-06 (Jeju, Korea, Nov. 2006).
Topics ======= Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Wearable intelligence in SS - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) / RFID application for SS - Network Middleware and protocols for SS - WSN and Context awareness model for SS - Smart and Personal Devices for SS - Embedded hardware and software for SS - Real-time OS for SS - Power-aware Computing for SS - Smart building applications and services - Multimedia security and services in SS - Authentication, access control, and privacy protection for SS - Commercial and industrial applications for SS
==Important Dates== Paper Submission Due: June 31, 2010. First Acceptance Notification: Aug. 15, 2010. Revision Due: Sept. 15, 2010. Second Acceptance Notification: Oct. 10, 2010. Presentation Material Due (PPT): October 30, 2010. Registration Due: Nov. 15, 2010. Symposium Days: December 9-11, 2010 Final Acceptance Notification: December 31, 2010. Camera Ready Due: January 15, 2011 Journal Publication Date: 2nd or 3rd Quarter, 2011 (Tentative)
==Submission Guidelines== Authors should submit papers with short papers (4-5pages) or regular papers (8-10) pages in length according to the following template. http://www.ftrai.org/acsa2010/cfp/ACSA-10_sample.doc
==Proceeding and Publication== As you can see the CFP, final version of all accepted and presented papers in WTA 2010 will be included in Special Issues of the following international journals indexed by SCI/E. o IET Communications - IET (SCI) o Journal of Telecommunication Systems (JTS) - Springer (SCI-E)
** Short papers will be included to Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS) - KIPS.
Submission system: http://www.editorialsystem.net/wta2010
--------------- Steering Chairs --------------- Prof. Jong Hyuk Park, Seoul National University of Technology, Korea Prof. Han-Chieh Chao, National Ilan University, Taiwan
---------------- General Chairs ---------------- Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon, Korea Bezalel Gavish, Southern Methodist University, USA
---------------- Program Chairs ---------------- Seungmin Rho, Korea University, Korea Isaac Woungang, Ryerson University, Canada Bernady O. Apduhan, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
---------------------------------- International Advisiory Committee ---------------------------------- Hsiao-Hwa Chen , National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Laurence T. Yang , St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Tatsuya Yamazaki , NICT,Japan Malrey Lee , ChonBuk National University, Korea Leonard Barolli , Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan Daqing Zhang , Institute TELECOM SudParis, France Jianhua Ma , Hosei University, Japan Young-Sik Jeong , Wonkwang University, Korea Ching-Hsien Hsu , Chung Hua University, Taiwan Sajid Hussain , Fisk University, USA
------------------- Publicity Chairs ------------------- Shiuh-Jeng Wang, Central Police University, Taiwan Deok Gyu Lee, ETRI, Korea Habib M. Ammari, Hofstra University, USA Hai Lin, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
------------------- Publication Chairs ------------------- Jongsung Kim, Kyungnam Universtiy, Korea Yang Sun Lee, Chosun University, Korea
==Program Committee == TBA
==Contact Information== If you have any question about the CfP and papers submission, please email to Prof. Sang-Soo Yeo (ssyeo@msn.com) and Dr. Seungmin Rho (smrho@korea.ac.kr).
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Lars Wolf