Fwd: [Tccc] ITC-22, Amsterdam; submission deadline extended to February 6!
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] ITC-22, Amsterdam; submission deadline extended to February 6! Datum: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 12:44:12 +0100 Von: Berg, J.L. (Hans) van den j.l.vandenberg@tno.nl An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Paper submission deadline extended to February 6!
22nd International Teletraffic Congress
September 7-9, 2010 Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www.i-teletraffic.org/itc22
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Paper registration deadline (extended): February 1, 2010 *** *** Submission deadline (extended): February 6, 2010 ***
ITC provides a venue for researchers interested in understanding and improving the way traffic is handled in communication networks. The rapid evolution of these networks, driven by the proliferation of broadband applications, mobility, new usage models and advances in technology, raises a critical need for continuous reappraisal of traffic management procedures and mechanisms.
In parallel with the effort to improve network efficiency and performance, there is major activity worldwide on the design of new architectural principles and concepts for future networks. How will technological innovations and content-centric networking impact our ability to control traffic flows? What architectural elements and business models are needed to meet user expectations for service quality and reliability in a cost-effective way?
ITC-22 solicits submission of papers with original contributions relating to traffic and performance issues in computer networks and communication systems. While technical correctness is an obvious requirement, it is not sufficient, and ITC-22 in particular welcomes contributions that address novel issues, pioneer disruptive paradigms, or propose innovative models and techniques. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Network technologies and paradigms - Cognitive radio networking - Content delivery and storage networks - Delay-tolerant and opportunistic networking - Future Internet design - IP/MPLS/Carrier Ethernet networks - Multi-carrier networks - Optical networks - Sensor networks - UMTS, WiFi, WiMax and LTE networks - Wireless adhoc and mesh networks
Network planning, QoS and associated performance issues - Capacity planning methods and tools - Planning for multi-carrier networks - Performance and reliability tradeoffs - Robustness and reliability issues - Web-based applications - Network design methods - Performance of wireless/wired networks - Pricing and billing - Business models for QoS - SLA monitoring
Traffic management and measurement - Admission control - Application traffic management - Dynamic bandwidth management - Intelligent adaptive routing - Location and mobility management - Multi-domain issues - Network tomography, traffic matrices - Overload and congestion control - Protection, switching and restoration - Traffic and performance monitoring
Services & applications - Application layer networks and overlays - Virtualization - Distributed, grid and cloud computing - Efficient content delivery technologies - Internet of Things - IPTV, WebTV - P2P and distributed lookup - Social networks - Tele-medicine, -education, -metry - Web-services and SOA
Models and techniques - Cross-layer design and optimization - Game-theoretic models - Self-optimization approaches - Performance models for voice, video, data and P2P applications - Random graph models - Resource allocation and management - Scheduling algorithms - Simulation methods and tools
Security-related issues - Anomaly detection - Detection of DoS attacks - Attack mitigation methods - Epidemiological models - Worm and virus propagation - Privacy and trust
All accepted contributions will appear as full papers in the conference proceedings with oral presentations. In order to guarantee the high visibility of the conference, the proceedings will be available through IEEE Xplore. ITC offers two prestigious awards: a General Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award. For a paper to be eligible in the latter category, the student must be first author and presenter of the work. Please check the ITC-22 website for further details.
GENERAL CHAIRS Hans van den Berg (TNO & University of Twente) Rob van der Mei (CWI & VU University Amsterdam)
TPC CHAIRS Sem Borst (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs & TU Eindhoven) Michel Mandjes (University of Amsterdam) Mark Squillante (IBM Research)
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Samuli Aalto (TKK), Sara Alouf (INRIA), Eitan Altman (INRIA), Hayriye Ayhan (Georgia Tech), Ragnar Andreassen (Telenor), Ake Arvidsson (Ericsson), Nick Bambos (Stanford), Giuseppe Bianchi (Univ Roma Tor Vergata), Ernst Biersack (Eurecom), Thomas Bonald (Orange Labs), Richard Boucherie (Univ of Twente), Claudio Casetti (Politecnico di Torino), Joachim Charzinski (Nokia-Siemens), Florin Ciucu (Deutsche Telekom), Jon Crowcroft (Univ of Cambridge), Costas Courcoubetis (Athens Univ of Economics & Business), Nelson Da Fonseca (Univ of Campinas), Hermann De Meer (Univ Passau), Gustavo De Veciana (Univ of Texas Austin), Danny De Vleeschauwer (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs), Olivier Dousse (Nokia Research), Bob Doverspike (AT&T Research), Constantinos Dovrolis (Georgia Tech), Doug Down (McMaster Univ), Nick Duffield (AT&T Research), Ken Duffy (Hamilton Institute), Anthony Ephremides (Univ Maryland College Park), Serge Fdida (LIP6 Univ Pierre & Marie Curie), Anja Feldmann (TU Berlin), Markus Fiedler (Blekinge Institute of Technology), Ayalvadi Ganesh (Univ of Bristol), Richard Gibbens (Univ of Cambridge), Fabrice Guillemin (Orange Labs), Boudewijn Haverkort (Univ of Twente), Andrzej Jajszczyk (AGH Univ of Science & Technology), Mikael Johansson (KTH), Matthieu Jonckheere (Eindhoven Univ Technology), Gunnar Karlsson (KTH), Daniel Kofman (ENST), Tony Krzesinski (Univ of Stellenbosch), Anurag Kumar (Isc Bangalore), Amund Kvalbein (Simula), T.V. Lakshman (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs), Douglas Leith (Hamilton Institute), Remco Litjens (TNO-ICT), Nelly Litvak (Univ of Twente), Zhen Liu (Nokia Research), Steven Low (CalTech), Yingdong Lu (IBM Research), John Lui (Chinese Univ Hong Kong), Peter Marbach (Univ of Toronto), Laurent Massoulie (Thomson Research), Martin May (Thomson Research), Ravi Mazumdar (Univ of Waterloo), Michael Menth (Univ of Wuerzburg), Michela Meo (Politechnico di Torino), Vishal Misra (Columbia Univ), Debasis Mitra (Alcatel-Lucent Bell-Labs), Eytan Modiano (MIT), Petar Momcilovic (Univ of Michigan Ann Arbor), Ilkka Norros (VTT), Rudesindo Nunez-Queija (Univ of Amsterdam), Andrew Odlyzko (Univ of Minnesota), Philippe Olivier (Orange Labs), Joerg Ott (TKK), Philippe Owezarski (CNRS), Alexandre Proutiere (Microsoft Research), Jacques Resing (Eindhoven Univ Technology), Fabio Ricciato (FTW), Philippe Robert (INRIA), Jim Roberts (INRIA), Frank Roijers (TNO-ICT), Iraj Saniee (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs), Werner Scheinhardt (Univ of Twente), Mayank Sharma (IBM Research), Nahum Shimkin (Technion), Evgenia Smirni (College of William & Mary), R. Srikant (Univ of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Tetsuya Takine (Osaka Univ), Patrick Thiran (EPFL), Phuoc Tran-Gia (Univ of Wuerzburg), Bruno Tuffin (INRIA), Kurt Tutschku (Univ Wien), Benny Van Houdt (Univ Antwerpen), Piet Van Mieghem (Delft Univ of Technology), Milan Vojnovic (Microsoft Research), Chih-Chun Wang (Purdue Univ), Adam Wierman (CalTech), Damon Wischik (Univ College London), Jun Xu (Georgia Tech), Assaf Zeevi (Columbia Univ), Zhi-Li Zhang (Univ of Minnesota), Bert Zwart (CWI)
INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Prosper Chemouil, Chairman, Orange Labs, France Phuoc Tran-Gia, Vice-Chairman, Wuerzburg University, Germany Ulf Körner, Treasurer, Lund University, Sweden Hans Van den Berg, Secretary, TNO and Twente University, The Netherlands Deep Medhi, Liaison, University of Missouri - Kansas City, United States Paul J. Kühn, Emeritus Chairman, University of Stuttgart, Germany David Everitt, NICTA, Australia Luigi Fratta, Politecnico University of Milano, Italy Oscar Gonzalez-Soto, Consultant, Spain Villy Baek Iversen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Peter Key, MicroSoft Research, UK Xiongjian Liang, Beijing Univ. of Post & Telecommunications, China Hiroshi Saito, NTT, Japan Jim Yan, Carleton University, Canada
IMPORTANT DATES Paper registration deadline: February 1, 2010 (extended!) Submission deadline: February 6, 2010 (extended!) Acceptance notification: April 16, 2010 Final version: May 14, 2010 Conference: September 7-9, 2010
For more information about the conference please see: http://www.i-teletraffic.org/itc22
For more information about ITC please see: http://www.i-teletraffic.org/home/
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf