Thanks Professor. The error message in daemon is:
Wed Apr 12 14:49:24 2017 ERROR BinaryStreamClient: output stream went bad [Cannot allocate memory]; 134217728 of 134482789 bytes copied
Could this problem be solved with fragmentation? How can payload size of fragment be defined in the configuration file in OpenWrt? limit_payload=500K does not seam to work...
On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 8:25 AM, Stephan Rottmann rottmann@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de wrote:
Hi Leonel,
256MB of RAM may not be enough, can you check, what free -m says? You can search for the exact error code in the source code, either using grep on your machine, or -- more convenient -- at github.
Best, Stephan
Am Mittwoch, den 12.04.2017, 02:00 +0100 schrieb Leonel Gaspar Soares:
Currently, I'm using an Alix3d3 with 256MB RAM and ibrdtn deamon says it can't allocate memory (BinaryStreamClient) for sending a file with 100 MB... where is this memory allocated in the code?
On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 1:18 AM, Leonel Gaspar Soares <leonelgasparsoa res@gmail.com> wrote:
Im testing dtnsend and cant seem to send a file with 100 MB. Is it impossible to send it?
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-- Stephan Rottmann Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund Tel.: +49-531-391-3154 Mühlenpfordtstraße 23 Fax.: +49-531-391-5936 TU Braunschweig D-38106 Braunschweig