22 May
22 May
9:18 a.m.
You'll find a tutorial in the IBR-DTN Wiki: http://trac.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/project-cm-2012-ibrdtn/wiki/ibr-dtn-tut
Am 21.05.2014 16:07, schrieb Ghada Jaber:
HI I want to send files from one device to two others (broadcast) at the same time using dtnsend and dtnrecv but i didn't get the sytax . How can i do it please ? Thank you
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a l'*INSAT * Stagiaire a l'*IRIT*/*ENSEEIHT* Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90