Hello Johannes,
Thank you for your guidance. I'd like to start with the example application.
Best Regards, Yoshimi Fujii
(2012/08/29 18:10), Johannes Morgenroth wrote:
To start development with Android you should look into our project Wiki. There is an own section for android development:
A good start would be the DTNExampleApp is available in the SVN repository referred on the dev site.
Kind regards Johannes
Am 24.08.2012 03:01, schrieb Yoshimi Fujii:
I'm a newbie at this mailing list. Now I'm trying to write a small applications for IBR-DTN runs on AndroidOS and Linux. However I can't find any documentations about the API.
Would you tell me how can I get such documemtations or information source about the API?
Thanks, Yoshimi Fujii