if the Raspberry Pi ist just acting as a relay node, then it should be sufficient to configure it just in a way, that it forwards bundles to other nodes. And -- of course -- it needs to listen on all required network devices.
Try to chose flooding/epidemic or prophet (not sure about case) as routing. On the mobile devices, it should also be set in this way.
Am Donnerstag, den 03.11.2016, 17:10 +0800 schrieb Dominic Solpico:
Hi again.
I have setup the Raspberry Pi as a wireless hotspot. At the same time, I want it to have capabilities to store, receive and send Talkie, Sharebox and Whisper files/bundles from/to other devices, particularly Android devices. Any tips on how to use the ibr-dtn applications (dtnsend, dtnreceive, dtntrigger) to be able to do this?