Am 11.02.2014 14:53, schrieb Theodoros
But still packages less than 4Mbyte are retrieved (even
without explicit notification).
Do I miss sth?
Maybe you have not sufficient RAM to prepare the bundle in memory.
This is the default since the tool can not know where to put
temporary files. Thus, you have to define a temporary working
directory for dtnoutbox -w /overlay/tmp [...]. Additional to that
you should set the blobs path of the daemon to another file path
with enough space.
Also consider to change your path to
something else. The name of the folder indicates that this is used
as an application inbox. This would be a fatal error. The bundles
directory is the place where the daemon (and only the daemon) stores
and access bundles. Working directories of the daemon should never
overlap with folders of applications.
Kind regards,
Johannes Morgenroth
Johannes Morgenroth Institut fuer Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund
Tel.: +49-531-391-3249 Muehlenpfordtstrasse 23
Fax.: +49-531-391-5936 TU Braunschweig D-38106 Braunschweig