If you want the goodput, that is you want to find out how many user data is transmitted, you can just create some test-data, and send it. For example create a 100MB file and send it 100 times using dtnsend/dtnrecv and then using netcat for TCP/IP and measure the time needed.
However, interpretation of results is not that easy, as for example small files lead to different performance: In the Bundle Protocol, because there is some additional processing overhead per Bundle and also TCP itself will perform differently due to slow-start. For DTN Storage configuration can have a large impact too.
Just look at the (probably confusing) graphs here: http://jenkins.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/dtnperf/ Form top to bottom every graph uses larger bundle sizes. Inside each graph configuration of storage or security is varied. The point is, on the same machine for very small bundles you get tenths of kilobits or 900 Mbit for large bundles when operating in-memory….
Some information what can be measured, and what things influence performance can be seen in this older technical report: https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/papers/poettner-tr201108.pdf However the IBR-DTN/DTN-2 and ION versions used in that paper are outdated now, so the actual performance numbers might be different
On 28 Apr 2015, at 02:20, abu fahruddin abu.fahruddin@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
I just want to compare throughput IBT-DTN and TCP IP. Could you help me the correct tools. Currently I use wireshark but I still confiuse to analysis wireshark for live striming data.
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